Sunday 25 April 2021

Stay thankful always

Sunday 25th April 2021
Pause and find the blessings in every day. 
Another very early morning!  It was a funny old day yesterday, some photos in my memories on Facebook set me off I think, well that and dreaming about mom the night before, then when we got back from our trip out, Alfie ran in the house all excited into the living room looking for mom, he hasn't done that since she died and it just made me a little emotional, my feelings started to roll down my cheeks and they continued to do so on and off most of the day.  Not wailing, snooty crying, just remembering the good times and being thankful that we go to have them and a little sad that we wouldn't get to make any more memories or laugh together ever again.  We really were best mates and those photos that show up every day in my memories on Facebook are visual evidence of the good times we had together. 

I didn't sit crying all day don't worry, I actually had a lovely day, my brain is finally calming down, which has took this long, until now, I haven't been able to do one thing, I've multitasked to keep my brain busy, not really being able to fully concentrate on certain things.  I actually enjoyed listening to my audiobook, I sat in the sunshine for an hour and also listened to it whilst sorting out my shelving in the alley/shed ready for the big shed out the back to be taken down and walking Alfie.  I really enjoyed tuning out from the world and listening to a lovely bit of feel good fiction.

I've just seen a list of things to be grateful for on pinterest, so I thought it would be good to share some of them, taking time to stop and reflect on your day (especially if you're having a tough time) is a great thing to do - why?  Well it increases positivity, you become more positive when you focus on the good things in your life and by writing them down it's helping them stick in your mind rather than be a passing thought.  Keeping a journal can increase your self esteem, it's a very personal activity and helps you learn more about yourself and become more self-aware.  It can also be your safe place so you can write anything you feel without judgment.

I might start doing it more as apparently it helps you sleep better, just 15 minutes before bed noting down the things you've been grateful for that day can help you feel calm and have a better sleep.  Again because you're thinking about positive experiences from your day or focusing on what you have to be thankful for means you're less likely to give headspace to your worries setting you up for a good night’s sleep.

Anything that makes you happier is worth doing and being thankful and showing gratitude means you are noticing the good in your life and writing them down means you'll feel more positive and feel better about your life in general.  It all helps you gain a new perspective of what is important to you and what you truly appreciate in your life and helps you gain clarity on what you want to have more of in your life, and what you can cut from you life.

It's also known to reduce stress, helps you focus on what really matters and apparently grateful people take better care of themselves!  I'll have a bit of that for sure. 

And just like my Facebook memories, on days when you feel down you can read back through your gratitude journal to remind yourself of how blessed you are that you have such great people and things in your life.

If you're anything like me though, when you've tried to do it, you find yourself writing the same 3 things every day because you can't think of anything else!  Yep, it's not just you that does that, so I used to do what I called my Sunshine list which was basically a list of everything I liked or enjoyed, things that made me feel like there was sunshine in my day, that helped, I used to just add to it whenever I thought of something else, I think I'm going to start doing a journal, have it by the side of my bed.

Here's some of the suggestions I found on Pinterest for your gratitude journal; 

1: LIFE – If you woke up this morning, be grateful for that because, well a lot of people actually didn’t.
2: Your Health. 
3: Friends. You actually get to pick the people you call friends. Pick the best ones and be grateful for them.
4:Family. Whether you like them or not, you still have them, be grateful for them.
5: GOD’S LOVE. (if you're a believer I'll go with my DOG'S LOVE) Because it’s UNCONDITIONAL.
6: That roof over your head.
7: The CLEAN WATER you have access to.
8: Clothes, look in your closet and be grateful you have things to wear.
9: TECHNOLOGY. The sky is the limit because of good ol TECHNOLOGY.
10: Social Media. Whether you like it or not social media make our dreams possible.
1: Love and be loved, the one thing that doesn’t cost a thing.
12: The cell phone you are using to stay in contact with loved ones
13: The internet you are using to read this post right now.
14: The shoes on your feet so you are not BAREFEET.
15: TIME, time is soooo precious. Use it wisely.
16: Vision, yes, you are able to read this post, so you can SEE.
17: ELECTRICITY. You didn’t have to get dressed in the dark this morning.
18: Computers. Which is back to technology.
19: FOOD. Well, you are not starving.
20: TV. You get to come home and relax in front of the tv.
23: The Ocean
24: You have all of your 10 fingers
25: And course all of your 10 toes
26: That beautiful Sunrise 
27: Then that beautiful Sunset
28: Hot water from that hot shower you took this morning.
29: Your hair. Girl whether you are rocking a wig or your own hair, be grateful.
30: Clarity
32: Pinterest
33: Facebook
34: Instagram
35: Twitter
36: Access. Pretty much to all the life necessity.
38 Your JOB. That pays you MONEY to build a life.
39: Your business. 
40: Your hobbies
41: Your favorite drink
42: Shops
43: The restaurants
44: Cars
45: Car insurance
46: Medical insurance
47: Your team
48: Your co-workers
49: blogs
50: and this list for reminding you to stop and take a moment out of your day to be GRATEFUL for what you DO have ;). And as you can see, it’s VERY important to be grateful for even the SMALLEST things that we ALL take for granted.

They may not all be relevant to you but you get the gist, my last sunshine list looked like this - damn I can't find it, that's a sign I need to start my journal and write a new one, especially as my life has changed now so a new list is definitely required.

Right I'm off, have a great Sunday,  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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