Monday 26 April 2021

Make Monday Matter

Monday 26th April 2021
Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Well my plan today is to plan some meals for the week ahead, one so I have meals to look forward too, I love anticipating what's going to be eaten next.  The other reasons are financially it makes sense, I always save money when I only buy what I need and I also save calories, if I've thought about it and planned then I can work out the calories beforehand and stay within my daily quota.  

Why have I started my blog like that, straight into the bones of the blog, well because yesterday I didn't plan past my breakfast, to be fair I haven't planned for the last week and there's no routine to the times I'm eating, it's just when I think about it, which is okay if I don't end up getting the munchies later on but yesterday I did.  Don't get me wrong I didn't eat half the world, mainly because it's not in the kitchen to eat thankfully (we'll come back to that in a bit), I had a small plate of cheese and crackers and a couple of pink wafers, did similar Saturday night too, I had only had two meals throughout the day both days, so here's to planning for 3 and knowing how many calories I'm going to be consuming.

Why didn't I eat half the world?  Because I'm working on sorting my surroundings, my plan is I can't eat what's not there!  Now I know lots of people say, 'I've got to have it in for the rest of the family' and I get it I really do, so many only buy enough to last them for the week and put it out of sight because that helps too.  I had to go searching for those pink and whites and they are only here because my sister bought them for me, she also bought me the second box of white chocolate rice crispies - killing me with kindness lol.

But seriously, if you don’t want to eat it, don’t buy it, the truth is NO ONE needs junk in their home. Your kids don’t need it and neither does your other half!  It is that simple, instead make sure your house is full of quick to grab, delicious and healthy snacks.

If you've just raised your eyebrows at me because that's just not going to happen, work out your trigger foods, then ones that once you start you can't stop and maybe keep them out or limit how often they get to live in your kitchen.  One of mine is St Agur cheese, I bloody love it, so treat myself now and again because I know I'll pick at it every time I open the fridge!

There's other things you can do to sort your surrounding though other than the food stuff including the things you read, from books to magazine, they can really impact how you feel and think and your attitude towards body image and weight loss.  If you do buy books and magazines make them positive  ones!  Studies show that pictures in magazines have a strong impact on girls (& boys I bet) perceptions of their weight and shape.   Read personal development books just a few pages a day can make you feel more positive about yourself and life, let's make everything better about ourselves not just lose weight.  Then there's the gratitude journal I blogged about yesterday, that's a good one to be doing too.

Tidy up, it is true that a clean and tidy environment makes you feel better, research has shown that messy kitchens are associated with poorer eating habits and more out-of-control eating. Some of this is thought to be due to stress. A messy kitchen is stressful, and stress is a stimulus for (comfort) eating for most people. Plus, if your kitchen is messy it’ll feel more overwhelming or difficult to take the time to make a healthy meal or snack. You'll be tempted to grab something processed or quick instead and you’ll regret later.

Then there's decluttering, that can make you feel lighter just by throwing stuff away, I love doing it when I'm in the mood, then once it's done everywhere looks bigger.  If you've not worn something for a year, get rid, you're not gonna get back into it and if you do, you'll want something new to celebrate probably.  Actually with lockdown, we'll say the last 2 years because everythings been different the last year, we've not been about to go out and wear stuff! 

Anyway, I've got a busy morning, I need to move my backside, having me a massage and my feet done, my treat thanks to the collection my lovely friends did for me last month, so kind.  (10) Embrace beauty | Facebook is doing it, make sure you support local businesses. 

Right I'm off, catch ya tomo, oh I've got the meal plan to do too, I won't forget.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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