Sunday 17 January 2021

Partial to Pinotage = perfect

Sunday 17th January 2021
A Sunday well spent, brings a week of content.

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 17/1/21 - 190lb
I've already lost - 10lb 
Yesterday I stepped 5,822 times 
I covered 2.49 miles 
I burned 2028 calories  

I consumed 1541 calories
I was active for 19 minutes 
I slept 8 hours 45 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 67.45 left to walk = 932.55

My 3 good things yesterday were;

1) Mom not breaking anything from her fall!

2) Mom's laughter.

3) A lovely gift from my bestie.



Whether you see today as the first or last of the week, I hope that you enjoy it and use it to prepare for the days ahead.  I weighed myself this morning, a Sunday check-in helps to keep me focused on what I'm trying to achieve, it'll motivate me to do my 15m walk when I've blogged.  I lost 2lb, so that's 10lb in total this year, more than I expected because I'm happy to lose it slowly, I refuse to not have that chocolate when I fancy it, or that big glass of wine to celebrate a promotion or the fact it's Saturday ;)

We had a good day, especially after how it started with moms fall, she's a little bruised and sore but we're so relieved she's not done any serious damage.  

I did enjoy my food as always, 

Hummus on toast, oh and there's a sneaky bit of garlic butter under there!
Fish finger sandwich - don't get much better than that ;) mom left half hers, so I had that too, which meant I wasn't hungry at tea time so I enjoyed this instead in my new gift, a darlington crystal glass personalised glass from my bestie; 

I had a busy morning yesterday but once I'd walked Alfie, mom and I took the rest of the day off, we relaxed, watched a couple of movies and enjoyed doing nothing!  We went to bed at 7pm although I didn't settle till 8pm but I could hear mom had gone straight to sleep bless her.   It's just as important to rest as it is to work, I'm loving my new job so much but I have to remember I'm doing it so I can have a more easy going life.

Now what to eat today lol, I have a zoom for a few hours from 10.30 which I'm looking forward too.  My meal planner is saying beans on toast and a roast chicken dinner with loads of veggies, defo to the dinner, look forward to that, love my meal planning, it's helping me stay on track because it's taking the midweek thinking out of it all, I just look at the plan and I've got a meal option, don't get me wrong I change it sometimes, I did yesterday,I didn't fancy what was on there but I'll get round to it.  Saving me money too.  

Well I need to get my walkout done (see what I did there), hopefully Alfie will fancy a good walk before my zoom too.  Here's to a lovely Sunday for all, stay positive, stay focused on the things you want to achieve, pay attention to your own behaviour because you can't change something you don't know you're doing! 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x  

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