Monday 18 January 2021

Avoid dream stealers!

Monday 18th January 2021
It’s never going to be easy, but it will always be worth it!

My stats as of today

I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 5/1/21 - 190lb
I've already lost - 10lb 
Yesterday I stepped 12,494 times 
I covered 5.35 miles 
I burned 2400 calories  

I consumed 1590 calories
I was active for 83 minutes 
I slept 8 hours 32 mins

#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 72.80 left to walk = 927.2

My 3 good things;

1) Being proud watching my team tell their stories on our Kick Off event.

2) Treating myself by spending my bonus on a piece of art (can't wait for it to arrive) Crystal Glass Metal Art | Facebook her work is gorgeous, she needs to upudate her page with her new stuff lol

3) The anticipation of working with my own team as together we build something great whilst helping others. 



My food from yesterday doesn't look as good as it tasted but trust me, it was tasty;

mushrooms and cheesey beans wrap. 

garlic and herb chicken with veggies

cheese and potato pie I think today as mom will hopefully eat it as she mentioned it the other day - but we shall see!  Enjoyed being able to attend a company event without leaving the house yesterday as it meant mom was content next to me, she slept through most of it bless her. 

I made notes from all the speakers but two lines that stuck out to me where the title of my blog 'Avoid dream stealers!' and the quote above "It’s never going to be easy, but it will always be worth it!"  

Now when 'Avoid dream stealers' was used my mind immediately went to those people who doubt you or tell you what you're doing won't work out but what if it isn't someone else, what if it's yourself! 

Rather than just thinking 'WHO', how about we think about 'WHAT' are our dream stealers?

It could be Self Doubt, are you thinking too small or acting below your potential because you doubt your ability.  Sentences that begin with, 'I'm not as good as....' or 'I'm too young/old to do....' they are all coming from a place of self doubt.  "What if I can't?' was the question I kept asking myself last October/November, thankfully I was surrounded by people who kept telling me YOU CAN!

What about the Negative Thinking, now that can proper mess you up, I was guilty of this when I first joined UW, every negative thought we have holds us back from the life we want - question those negative thoughts, don't let them keep you away from achieving your goals. 

Maybe your dream stealer is fear!  Fear can stop you taking that step outside your comfort zone and hold you back from the life you really want.  If I'd listened to my fear, I'd still be working as a communications manager and I'd never have done 16 amazing years as a WW coach, I'd not have been brave enough to walk away from a full time job with an annual salary that was guaranteed to one that was based on commission, I was terrified I wouldn't earn enough to pay my bills, I needn't have been.  I've done the same again moving to UW, I couldn't been scared that I wouldn't get the customers, but having seen the success of others, I took that leap again and it's paid off.  Feel the fear and do it anyway!

This ones a sly one - Instant Gratification!  Yep we may want to get fit and healthy but we live in a world of instant gratification, which is a serious dream stealer.  You're busy enjoying the moment, overindulging, procrastinating and generally putting stuff off to do other stuff, your goals and dreams are escaping from you.  

Which leads to the last of the dream stealers - Laziness!  When you aren't willing to put in the effort needed to achieve your goals, your dreams don't happen.  

I've had a great start to my new business, was it easy - NO, worth it - HELL YEAH!  I've also lost 10lb this year, which was probably harder than getting UW customers because of my love of food and red wine, but I want to lose 35lb, to do that I need to fight those dream stealers.  

What can we do to make sure those dream stealers don't win, start believing in yourself, kill the self doubt, question the doubt, surround yourself with people who believe in you and ditch the doubters!  Stop the negative thoughts, by replacing them with positive ones, glass half full - heck the glass is refillable!  

The only way to defeat fear is to take action - face the damn fear - what's the worst that could happen?   Worse case scenario for me, I stop getting customers, then I get another job, how many people are having to reinvent themselves this year - I know that's not going to happen to me because I killed my inner dream stealer lol.

Crush the instant gratification, this is probably the most difficult but I'm not buying the stuff so I can't gratify myself with it.  Tell yourself just because you can have it right now, doesn't mean you should and remember your goals and dreams are more important.  

Finally get moving, stop being a lazy bugga, ask yourself what do you want then work out how to get it!  Apparently today is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year - NOT IN THIS HOUSE!  You can take their gloom and replace it with glow!  So get up and get moving towards your dreams and your goals, you'll be so glad you did. 

Well that's enough waffle from me, here's to making the most of the day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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