Thursday 10 December 2020

Every day's a school day!

Thursday 10th December 2020
Psst.... You're doing great!

I'm working on me for me at the minute, I can't turn myself into a super model over night, to be honest I don't want to but I do want to take care of myself and do what I can to make me feel better.  Yesterday that involved a skin care consultation with Vicky, I'm rubbish at all that, half the time I forget to put a bit of face cream on let alone do anything else.  I asked her for help we did a zoom thing Tuesday where she talked me through what I needed then delivered the stuff yesterday and we did another zoom so she could show me how to use it.  

This was the first zoom; 

This was the second; 

I definitely recommend having a session with her, a consultation is £10, but if you have the kit form £20, the consultation is free!  Bargain!  contact her via Facebook or give her a call 07881 943752.  The kits would make amazing Christmas gifts.  Vicky's been in the business for 21 years, her knowledge on everything beauty is the same as mine for everything edible ;) The skincare kits she's supplying is are from Strictly Professional which are only sold in the wholesale market and used in professional salons, so you won't see them in the high street!  I know I'm biased because she's my bestie, but I also know she's helping a company create a new range because her knowledge is so good (not sure if that's a secret but meh, she needs bigging up cos she's amazing!)  Oh and I've already cleansed, toned and moisturised this morning, it took a couple of minutes and my skin already feels great!  

Now the other thing she asked me was drinking water and I'm not drinking as much as I was and I know it makes a difference to more than my skin.  I'm going to make sure I do again from today, here's a few benefits of drinking enough water; 

Eliminates toxins 
Rehydrates & wakes up your brain 
Stimulates your digestive systems 
Lubricates joints and cartilage to get your body moving
Prevents premature aging of the major organs in your body
It's a natural energy drink - reduces fatigue

Basically it's bloody brilliant, so go get yourself a glass. 

It feels good to be taking care of myself again, I've neglected things for far too long.  Is my life suddenly sorted - hell no!  Mom was spoiling for a fight all day yesterday!  I had my arm down the toilet because she blocked it with toilet paper!  I forgot to lock the front door & woke up to find her half way out the porch door at midnight!  She woke me up a few times saying this holiday sucks and she wants to go home!  I finally gave up at 4am when somehow she worked out how to turn the tele on & put it on full blast lol!  SO no it's not all sunshine and roses, but it's okay, I'm good in myself, I have wonderful people in my life doing me favours, looking out for me and I'm doing well in my new business.

Positivity is a wonderful thing, almost as good as sleep ;) today I choose to be positive, how about you?

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx  

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