Friday 11 December 2020


Friday 11th December 2020
Don't be upset by the results you didn't get for the work you didn't do!

If you aren't willing to work for it, don't complain about not having it...  Wise words right there!  Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been but I'm not complaining about it, I'm not whining, or say woe is me, I'm accepting where I am right now and doing what I'm willing to do, until I am ready to do more.  

We all have the power to control the food we eat don't we, there might be things that influence our decisions, from money to availability and of course our feelings but ultimately it all comes down to choices.  Every day we make thousands of choices about all sorts of things, we all need to acknowledge and accept we are in control of those decisions, even if we don't always like it.

I've just heard that Barbara Windsor has died aged 83, she was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2014 I think they said, from what I can remember, it was a little after mom had her official diagnosis.  So much in common with mom but moms sat next to me, confused as hell but physically apart from her leg, strong as a bloody ox!  Another disturbed night, I went to collect a prescription yesterday to try and help with this, it was supposed to be waiting but it wasn't I sat for over half hour waiting, to be told she couldn't take it till she'd had an ECG, I said she'd had one a few weeks again, but they couldn't find the results, by the time I got to the chemist I had to say I'd fetch the next day, so hopefully it might work when she does take it.  

It doesn't matter if she doesn't sleep for the next 3 nights as I'm doing an online event that's on zoom from US so their daytimes our night time, I've got to try and stay awake all night - this will be fun!  

Right back to choices - what choices are you going to make today?  The truth is if it's important to you, you'll find a way, if it's not you'll find an excuse  I noticed one of my old WW members had managed to find a workshop to get weighed - it was important to her and she kept looking!

Once we accept that where we are is a direct results of the choices we've made, we can take control and purposely start to create the person we want to be and get the life we want.  We choose whether to have that doughnut or go to the gym, if you've gained weight, accept it's all because of the choices you've made.   That job you're in that you hate - you're choosing to stay, you could choose to start looking for another. I'm not saying the choices are easy, heck I've just walked away from a job I've done for 16 years, I did it before with a job I was in for 11 years, is it scary - hell yeah!

The great thing about life is we can always choose to change things, sadly we often feel that we don't have choices.

How to know what needs changing?  Why not take some time and working out what's important to you.  Think about what you value most in life, hell this years given us all time to think hasn't it.   

Don't blindly start making choices for change, spend some time doing research and gathering information.  Maybe speak to friends and family members for advice or ideas.  

Remember the decisions we are making now will affect our future, do you think ahead - what do you see?  

My life's been on hold in a lot of ways for a good few years now, but I'm okay with that, I do think about what I'll do in the future, I'm realising I can't keep putting it off, I'm even looking to have a holiday in 2022.

Always trust yourself, you know you better than anyone, so little to your thoughts, you know how happy you are, it's great to take advice but ultimately your choices are your own!  

I love to read, listen and learn but I always take away the nuggets of wisdom that sit right with me and ignore the rest.

Today I choose to take it slow, enjoy a walk with Alfie, do things at my own pace, not sure if my Marlies is coming today or tomorrow, but I look forward to that, I'm choosing to go and do my face care ritual now and then drink some water. 

Whatever you choose to do, I hope it benefits you xx

Mwah, luv ya

Love me 


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