Sunday 11 October 2020

Who calls ya at 4am in the morning!

Sunday 11th October 2020
Find joy in the journey

Mom rang me this morning!  Now there's a new way of waking me up 4am, she must have woke up in the living room (she's taken to coming down in the night and sleeping in her chair, I didn't hear her this time) and she called me because she thought she was on her own. Thankfully my phone wasn't on silent or do not disturb like it usually is!  So now it's an hour later and she's back to snoozing, talking in her sleep and I'm typing this! 

I won a bottle of champagne yesterday with my new job, proper chuffed I was, I'm gonna save it for Christmas day I think and enjoy!  Need to get me some more customers now, I started off great and have half dozen satisfied customers, now to continue as I need and want it to work out for me.  I've not arranged any calls for today because I had a feeling mom would be hard work as the weeks gone on!  Got spaces next week though if anyone's interested in hearing more about my discount club and how I can save you money on the bills you already pay and so much more. 

Enjoyed my workshop yesterday morning, missing a few but still got to see plenty, hoping they're all going to be on the virtual this morning, we're talking willpower!  Oh I remember having that when I used to get enough sleep to help me stay strong!  

I've got a gammon joint that Nicola got for me, telling me they were delicious and I never cook them successfully so that's today's task once I've finished working and walked Alfie.  Mom's awake again, it's gonna be a long day I think, she's in pain and being very vocal about it. 

Right let's get my positive head on, work with what I've got, I've managed 5 hours sleep, that's something, I might get an afternoon snooze maybe, can live in hope.  Slow cook this gammon joint maybe?  What do you reckon?  

I fancy gammon, mash and peas, nom nom nom, maybe add carrots too, yeah that's dinner sorted.  I'm gonna try the diet coke slow cooker version I think.  

Right Sunday, what are you planning to do with your day?  How can you use some of today to help you get your healthy on?  Start with a healthy breakfast?  Jump on my virtual WW workshop at 9.30?  Meal plan, batch cook, go for a walk, what will you do today to help yourself on your journey? 

I think I'm going to go on my virtual at 9.30 ;) get my slow cooker going when I finish this blog and I'll plan some meals for the week ahead, or do I live out the freezer with the stuff I've already got - yeah that sounds like a plan, then next weekend I could check out the new WW batch cookbook and fill it back up!

It's gonna be a long day, I can tell by her behaviour already, but we'll be okay because it's Sunday and I don't have to be anywhere or do anything after 10am.  

Here's to surviving the weekend! 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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