Monday 12 October 2020

Waking up rested on a Monday

Monday 12th October 2020
It's a good week to have a good week. 

Hallelujah, I got me 7 hours uninterrupted sleep, I can't tell you how good that feels!  Plus the bonus that makes it even better is moms slept well too, she's in pain this morning because her painkillers have worn off but hopefully the ones she's not long taken will kick in soon enough.

Diet coke ham in the slow cooker - not for me, but once I'd cut the outside of the ham off where the taste was, the plain ham underneath was delicious so yes Nicola, the Aldi unsmoked gammon joint for under a fiver is brilliant.  I'll have some today with lots of veggies and mash, now do I have gravy or not, that is the question?  

I had a lovely day yesterday it started with my WW members on virtual which was brill and it ended with me signing up another customer for my new business, loving helping people lose lbs and £'s, win/win.  

Last week we'd looked at ;Just One More', which was adding one more fruit or veg to your plates at mealtimes, this week we've taken it to another level by saying what could you either focus on 'Just One More' in another way, such as one more walk, one more glass of water, that kind of thing or 'Just One Less', maybe one less glass of wine, one less bar of chocolate, you get the idea.  It's easier to focus on small changes than massive ones, trying to change everything all at once makes it really difficult to do any of it.

We also looked at Willpower, which is the conscious effort it takes to do something that's different to what we'd rather do!  Anyone who has tried using willpower only knows it's often unreliable and needs us to do other things to help us stay on track.  

We've all been in the zone, on it like a car bonnet at some time where we've found it easy to resist temptation, but we've also been the other end of that spectrum where we know we'd rip someone's arm off if they had a bar of chocolate or a bag of crisps in their hand!  

The one thing that helps me 
 resist temptation or helps me stay on track'ish' is being in control of my environment - I can't eat what isn't there, not going in supermarkets is particularly helping me with that, I can't be tempted by something I don't see.  If it's not in my house, I can't eat it.  I've started putting a banana by the side of mom every day and she eats it, she's never asked me for a bit of fruit in the past, so this week, I'm goign to put a fruit bowl on the side with a few other pieces of fruit she might eat. 

We also agreed that planning helps, if you've already got your meals planned and you're ready for the week or day ahead, you don't have to spend your time thinking about food, I'm going to do that this morning, update my shopping basket before it's delivered tomorrow and think about some meals for the week ahead, just order what I need, because I probably will live out my freezer and just order fresh stuff.  

It's a good week to have a good week - so what are you going to do today to help you start it off positively. 

Oh one last thing before I go, it's Poppy Day soon but obviously because we won't be able to buy them as easily as we have in previous years, can I ask that you either make a donation online, or send a text to donate; 

To donate £2 text POPPY2 to 70545*
To donate £5 text POPPY5 to 70545*
To donate £10 text POPPY10 to 70545*
*Texts cost £2, £5, or £10 plus one standard network rate message (typically 97% of the donation amount goes to the Royal British Legion). 

Right that's me, I'm off, got a lot of phone appointments to help people save hundreds of pounds, I'll make sure I eat healthily too, I fancy some soup weirdly, is it wrong to have soup for breakfast? 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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