Thursday 28 May 2020

What is motivating you to be healthy today?

Thursday 28th May 2020 
The struggle is part of the journey.  Everyone goes through it, keep going & don't give up.

There's no right way to 'do' a Pandemic!  We've not had any kind of training for handling lockdown, heck I don't think I'd heard the word pandemic or unprecidented before March!  This Covid-19 has ripped lives apart and completely changed everything.  So if you're struggling with your weight loss journey and feel like you've lost your way a little bit - erm, give yourself a break, are you surprised!  We're thinking questions like, when will I be able to hug my friends and family, will I even have a job at the end of this, at least we've moved on from am I going to be able to buy toilet rolls ever again! 
You might be thinking when are my kids going back to school, do I feel okay about then going to school.  Our brains are running all the time, even when we think they aren't we're subconsciously processing all this stuff. 

Then there's the added pressure of spending your time in lockdown productively!  Erm maybe you don't want, maybe you can barely focus on functioning at the moment with all the thoughts in yours head, let alone thing about doing new stuff.  Yeah it's great to have things you want to do, set goals but if all you can manage right now is the day to day living stuff, that's all right, then that's absolutely fine.

Now I know a lot of my members want to get back on track, having not tracked for weeks but they feel their head just hasn't been in it and they're finding it hard to refocus.  The struggle is real, if it was easy we wouldn't have a weight problem to start with!  So what can we do? 

Well of course I'm a WW coach so I'm going to say start with attending a virtual workshop, but even if I wasn't I'd still say the same, there is nothing more supportive and motivating than being in the company of others who get you with a coach who's there to help you.  

Next get your WW app out, rejoin if you've let your membership lapse, the app is like having your coach in your pocket with all the members too, a workout directory, recipes, tracking, meditation, oh there's so much going on in there right now and there's some great offers going on too.  Remember too opt for workshop and digital (£3.53 a week using the online offer) to be able to access the virtual and also the coach, because not workshop option means no me and I wouldn't want that, I like this job!

Right let's have a little coaching session this morning to refocus you!  Normally I'd say what is your Why?  But instead let me ask you this; 

What is motivating you to be healthy today?

I much prefer this question to the WHY one, because this is about NOW, why did you wake up this morning thinking 'oh I so need to get back on track!' why made you have that thought?

This is a question you could ask yourself every morning when you wake up as you're brushing your teeth, write it on a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror.

Notice over time how the answer to the question will change, on a day to day basis even.  Every morning we need to renew our commitment to our goal because it's far to easy to write our why on a piece of paper the day we join then put it to one side. 

Are you interested in short term fixes or long term changes? 

There isn't a wrong answer here, you might just want to lose the half stone you've gained in lockdown so far, or all this pandemic business may have made you realise you want to be in better health for your future.

Now what's one thing you're feeling good about right now? 

Come on I know you might be struggling with your weight but it's not all bad, what's working well right now in your life?  

Erm I just asked you a question, don't just shrug it off, think about it, I'm not going to give you any suggestions because you'll say to yourself, 'oh yeah, that'll do'.  Really think, there's always good if you look.

Now finally, how much are you willing to work towards being healthy, to achieving those goals ou have in your head.  Are you all in?  Be honest, can you commit to being 100% on it, or are you thinking oh I want to but....

We can all sit here and read my blog and nod, but losing weight takes time, being healthy takes effort, are you willing to do the work, it'll challenge you and won't be a simple journey.  As this image shows, success isn't a straight line! 

Another post-it note question to stick maybe in your fridge would be how much are you willing to work towards being healthy, and don't just read it, answer it!

Now I know we're all having a tough time because of this Covid crap and you might be feeling discouraged, everyone has down times in their lives, we're all just sharing this one!  It's important to be realistic if you truly want to get healthy and ask yourself what do you do when times get tough and you feel discouraged?  Start noticing your behaviours, your patterns, don't stick your head in the sand.  

As Adriene said on my yoga session this morning, where attention goes, energy flows.  Be aware of what's getting your attention! 

Here's to a healthier day 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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