Friday 29 May 2020

Last weekend of May!

Friday 29th May 2020
Making mistakes is better than faking perfections.

Be proud of how hard you are trying.

The week may not have gone as well as you'd hoped or planned, hell the month possibly didn't but it's okay, there's always another day, another week and on Monday another month!  Well what can I say, anyone who knows me knows I love a fresh start on a Monday but a Monday that's also the first of a month, well it's a sign isn't it, what do ya reckon?   And here's a tracking calendar for you to save to your phone to help get you motivated, I think I'm actually going to print a copy out and stick it in the kitchen somewhere and use it to tick off every day I manage to eat a piece of fruit, again anyone who knows me knows fruit isn't my thing, but we've been talking about turning a behaviour into a habit this week on the virtual workshops and eating fruit regularly is the habit I want to work on!

I know I need to get back to it, I've eased off the last week or so and it needs to stop, especially as the lockdown rules are changing and I'll hopefully be getting back to 'outside' work soon, I need to make sure my work clothes still fit me!

Yeah let's make June our turnaround month, I've spent the last few days looking at my finances, so I'll spend the next few days looking at my health, I'm going to have a cheaper, healthier month, shop more sensibly not as if the worlds going to end and I may never get to eat another crispy sweet and sour chicken again! Someone mentioned beans on toast yesterday and I thought mmm I could just eat that, but I couldn't because I've got a fridge full of food that has use by dates, so next week, I won't put that sort of stuff in my shop basket, I'll work on eating what I have and cheaper simple stuff like beans on toast and jacket spuds.  Need to go back to basics, make a list of meals I enjoy. make my healthy eating a priority, eat regularly and healthily!  

Alfie's vet bill set me back a couple hundred, but on a positive, he hasn't go cancer or anything like that, they're not 100% sure what he has, but it could be parasites, he's been given lots of tablets so hopefully they'll kill anything nasty.  

The WW app is getting better every week!  We've got a new yoga zoom class today at 12.30 on the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind connect group, I've already done my yoga this morning but if you haven't go and join Lucy.

If you like a bit of cooking, there's also this, they're making Raspberry & Coconut Slices in the Experiences at Home connect group, another zoom experience.

Ingredients you will need 
130g low-fat spread, plus
extra for greasing
200g plain flour
60g caster sugar
50g porridge oats
40g desiccated coconut
Pinch of salt
250g raspberries

I've had these and they're delicious!  

Anyways, I'm off to walk Alfie, then I'm going to have some time focusing on me and my kitchen, getting ready for June!  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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