Saturday 23 May 2020

Pay all this kindness forward

Saturday 23rd May 2020 
The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on.

At the moment 'kind' is the buzz word, all over social media, people are saying 'in a world where you can be anything, be kind', kindness is also the theme for the mental health awareness week but what does it mean to be kind?  How can you be kind?  Every one agrees that kindness is what we all need right now but are we doing it?  Or are people just thinking it just means not being cruel, not saying mean things on social media, how are people 'being kind'? 

Kindness is about genuinely caring for others around you, wanting the best for them, it's also important to remember that you are a person who deserves kindness too. We can all find ways of being a little kinder, even if we're stuck in lockdown, alone and unable to get out - we still have access to telephones and the internet where you can be in contact with others and stay connected with friends and family or even make new friends who are themselves lonely.

Want some ideas of how you can make a difference and be kind, show you care?  Here you go; 

Call a friend you haven't spoken to for a while.

Tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them.  If you're reading this sis, I love and appreciate you so much, thank you for yesterday, for coming round without hesitation and easing the tension for at least half hour, who knew one day we'd be so close looking back to how we were as kids lol! 

Arrange to have a cup of tea and a virtual catch up with someone you know - if you aren't savvy with zoom, you can actually video chat with messenger on Facebook.

Send a motivational message or a joke to a friend who is struggling or even a friend who lives alone and is in lockdown and unable to get out a lot.  

If you're in a house with others, make them a cuppa (or get them to make you one!) give your pets a good fuss, they're being ignored by a lot of people right now because of fear of coronavirus! 

If you're financially able, donate to food banks or charity, offer to send someone a takeaway or a meal, offer support to anyone who you know needs ot. 

Sometimes kindness is just lending your ear to someone who needs to offload, or giving praise to someone who's doing a great job.

I'm a big fan of paying it forward, so if someone does you a good turn, you pay it forward at another time to someone else, we shouldn't be kind to some in order for them to be kind back to us, or for us to get something out of the situation, we should be kind because it's a good way to behave.  There's nothing lovelier than a random act of kindness, and paying it forward keeps those acts going.  I've had many lovely people be kind to me over the last few months and I believe it's because I try to do good things when I can.  I haven't been able to get out but I have been able to be supportive online, I'm crocheting a blanket at the moment for someone in the spirit of paying it forward, I've also done a few I can raffle off to fundraise for the NHS when we finally get back to workshops.  

Why have I chose to not talk about my day yesterday in my blog, oh well because I'd had enough of yesterday before I went to bed, I sure as hell don't wanna go back and re live it nor do I want you to have to listen to it all but the good thing is we survived it ;) it's Saturday, I get to catch up with all my lovely members this morning at 9.45 on my virtual workshop (link in Wolverhampton Connect group, on from 9.15 for check-ins and chat) that'll set me up for the day for sure.

Oh we did watch a couple of lovely films yesterday, now to remember what they were called!  Troop Zero, on amazon prime, a lovely feel good film, and Apple Mortgage cake, based on a true story and again really enjoyable.  See yesterday wasn't a complete nightmare, just mostly lol, I just wished I could do something to ease her suffering, her frustration and confusion, I really do. 

Hey ho, here's to a world that's hopefully getting kinder by the day and will continue to do so when all this is over.  I really hope people stay safe this Bank Holiday weekend, I've seen too much sadness from the loss of loved ones already and I would hate for it to all fire up again because of a bit of sunshine and a bank holiday Monday need to get out.  Stay local, if you want to get out, walk round the block, look up the sky will be the same wherever you are and the sky is incredible, no matter how many clouds are up there, you always know there's a blue sky behind them.

Here's to a safe weekend, take care of you and take care of others if you're able too.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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