Sunday 24 May 2020

Coronacoaster, dementia drain - enough already now!

Sunday 24th May 2020 
The only constant in life is change

Regardless of what's going on in my life, I almost always get out of bed with a positive head, I didn't this morning.  I actually had a thick head which didn't help, not just from wine but from not taking care of myself by eating well either.  I struggled to do my half hour yoga, Alfie must have realised because he lay on the mat and made it even more difficult, giving me the excuse I needed to tweak a few moves and make them easier.  I ended by sitting quietly in my thoughts and shedding a few tears.  Usually I then come and blog but again my little saviour come and stood by me and started pawing me for a walk, so that's what we did instead and I used that time to zone out, listen to my audio book whilst playing Candy Crush and putting my 'life' to the side for a bit.  The fresh air, the sight of the starlings having a field day on the grass, the trees, the fresh air, the peace and quiet worked it's magic and as the image above shows, I went from waking up today thinking, 'this is just getting worse' to 'I can see this is getting more difficult but that's okay, I have support, I am strong, this won't last forever'.  

So many people are experiencing difficult emotions right now, I smiled yesterday when I saw a post from a fellow coach who used the word CORONACOASTER, it made me smile, it describes how so many of us are feeling, the ups and downs of the pandemic.  One day we're loving our down time, doing workouts, baking cakes, the next we're crying, drinking wine for breakfast and missing people we don't even like! 

I've realised in addition to the coronacoaster, I'm in danger of going down the dementia drain.  I'm not willing to do that though, so I'm going to do everything in my power to take care of me too. 

That's why I made myself stay on that yoga mat for 30 minutes. 

It's why today I'm going to clean the house, because it will get me active and take my mind off the fact I'm stuck sat next to a mom who's changing daily staring at a tv screen that no longer has anything on worth watching or that we haven't already seen.  

It's why I'm going to add mediation to my yoga practice, I will stay on the mat for an extra 10 minutes at least and meditate.  For those who fancy joining the WW guided Meditation this morning at 9:30am, access is via Healthy Body, Healthy Mind connect group on your app.

It's why I have arranged for my sister to sit with mom whilst I enjoy two long walks with V next week to get me out  and in some good company.

It's why I'm going to start taking care of me and realising that taking care of me doesn't mean treating myself to lots of nice food that ends up making me feel yucky because my stomach can't handle it!  

I'm working this morning, I'm support for Amy in the Stafford WW group and I'm going to use that to motivate me to be a proper WWer this week, if you want to get back on track, start tracking properly.  I'm going back to basics, I've even got my WW programme material out!  I'm 50 I don't want to feel 60, so I need to take back my power and be the strong woman my mom bought me up to be.  

How you surviving lockdown and life in general?  Is there something you could do today to make yourself feel better or help you move in the direction you need to go?  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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