Tuesday 17 December 2019

Lucky to have too much food - are you?!

Tuesday 17th December 2019
Today I want you to think about all that you are instead of all that you are not.

When I wake in the morning, I have a quick look on Facebook, then Pinterest then start my blog.  This morning I was made to laugh by Michael McIntyre, talking about Christmas, angered by reports of burglary and robbery in my area, then saddened by all the pleas for help by charities and people trying to help others.  There are so many good causes out there, it's difficult to decide which to support, but please try to do what little you can to help someone, there are lots of local things going on, all very worthy.

Makes you feel bad knowing you're going to be super indulging over the next few weeks, I'm going to try not to go crazy, but I overindulge all the time, otherwise I wouldn't have a weight problem obviously.  Really makes me think how lucky I am to have so much food in my freezer.

Yep we might have our troubles in this house with moms Alzheimers but overall we can't grumble.  Although I'm not gonna lie I did grumble a bit yesterday, I'm beginning to think Alfie might have a bit of the old dementia himself, he's becoming quite strange, we went for two walks yesterday, the second one we were out well over an hour and he just refused to come back home, I mean I know it can be a stressful place to live but it ain't that bad.  Then when we got back he went straight out the back and stood up the back corner just staring, then the bloody idiot went down the gap between the summer house and the fence towards the fox hole!  I thought he was going to get stuck and I was frantically trying to work out how to get over next doors to get the fence panel out, when the moron finally realised that wasn't a good idea and managed to reverse out, I carried him in the house where he lay under my chair.  Yay to a crazy household!

On a positive, I have a tidy office at last, there's space on the desk for my iPads and the floor is clear, it's very nice to walk into now.  Next is the living room and my bedroom, they won't take so long, its just superficial the mess in there.

I finished my crochet project too;

As you can see, it's all very boring and quiet in my world at the minute so not much to chat about, back to work today after my weekend, looking forward to catching up with everyone, moms just woke up so I'm off to sort her, catch ya laters.

Mwah, luv ya,

love me x

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