Monday 16 December 2019

Losing weight in December, that might be a first for me!

Monday 16th December 2019
If you're going to rise you might as well shine.

Woo hoo I lost 1.5lb of the 2lb I gained last week, I'm happy with that, my mission is to end the year lighter than I started it, at present I am 7lb lighter, doesn't sound much for a years work really does it, but I'm happy because it's not 7lb heavier!

I can also see my office floor this morning!  Yes I started the office clear up, didn't finish it but made good headway, I chose to stop when mom got up as I wanted to keep her company, I want to enjoy every minute she's in a good place because they don't last and they didn't yesterday, she slipped on the afternoon but we made it through the day, it would help if there was stuff worth watching on tele. I will continue with my office today, I've got the bulk of it sorted though.  Just a pie of mostly crochet stuff left to sort through.  One day at a time as they say, I've got to give the living room the once over too, might do that first if mom stays in bed, it's easier then.

I know most people are excited for Christmas, but we're not really making much of it this year, I am however excited for the 23rd!  Why you ask?  Well my sister has said once she's done her last bit of Christmas food shopping on the morning she'll come sit with mom so I can go have a couple of hours doing the same and I'm going to Waitrose because I have a gift voucher to spend - woo hoo, it's a John Lewis voucher but if I'm honest there is nothing I really want or need right now, other than a new waterproof and I've needed one of them for about 2 years now and not got round to buy one.  I'm going to buy us some indulgent food for my few days off, I'm not going to go crazy and end up with a houseful of food I won't use but I am going to enjoy the shopping experience which is one of my favourite ways to waste time.  So yeah, roll on this time next week I say, easily pleased.  I haven't bought a single present and I'm starting to think maybe I should've at least got mom a couple of things to open, mmm, bad daughter, but it's all just tat that then ends up in one of these bags I've sorted to go to the jumble.

Anyway, it's almost here, 10 more days and the madness will be over, I'm love to be overindulging with mom but I sat and watched her eat her way through a box of biscuits yesterday, let's just say there wasn't a lot left and I know if there's even more stuff there, she will mindlessly eat it and make herself even more sick than she already is.  It just shows how easy it is to consume things just because they're there!

I'm going to experiment with my lentil bake recipe and cauliflower rice today, see what I can create for low points, following the blue plan means the lentils are zero for me and I have lots of cauliflower to use up, I might have a go at freezing some if there's any room in my always overfull freezer.

It's Monday, I'm waffling, I'm delaying the clean up operation so I'll stop and get to it.  If I get the worst things done first thing, the day can then improve.  Here's to enjoying one of the last weeks of the year, how crazy is that, we are 2 weeks away from 2020, the year I'll turn 50, the 'baby' of the Longsden family is now about to hit half a century - that's crazy it really is, my head don't feel like it's aged since I hit my mid 20's but the body, oh the aches and pains on these damp, cold days, well they make me feel older than my years for sure.  Meh, despite that, I had my first bubble bath in months yesterday, it really helped, even if mom did forget I was up there and thought I'd gone out, as you might guess, it wasn't a very long bath lol, but long enough to get my body wet (oh I have been showering in case you're thinking 'the dirty bitch')

Right I'm off, I'm delaying the day because of what I have to do before I get to what I want to do, I will get to my crochet at some point to finish off my latest project, I'm quite pleased with it, I'm using up the yarn I already have and not allowing myself to buy anymore because there's nowhere to put it!

Turrah a bit, mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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