Monday 4 November 2019


Monday 4th November 2019
Don't practice till you get it right, practice till you can't get it wrong.
I've just spent some time looking at my blogs from this day on different years, it's funny how things I do don't really change too much just my situations.  The one thing I was doing in other years that I'm not doing right now was some sort of challenge that I'd set myself to lose weight, I've gone of plan a bit the last few weeks, I'm not being ridiculously bad but my tracking gone by the wayside, I'm not within my points, I'm saying yes to the odd biscuit off mom.  Life isn't the easiest at the moment, I really don't do well without sleep and even sleeping pills don't seem to be able to put mom to sleep lol, but I know that if I then don't eat well either, I'm going to be even worse.

Therefore today I have decided I'm going to start the one day at a time challenge, yep none of this 12 week challenge, 8 week challenge, or Christmas countdown, nope because when we try to do those, we only have to slip up once or twice and we feel we've failed.  This is more about being stronger than our strongest excuse and surviving as many days as we can.  There are about 50 days till Christmas, but I'm going to focus on how many days left in this year, which is 31 in December and 27 in this month, so that's 58, did the math as I typed then lol.

I plan to SURVIVE the STRUGGLES as many days as I possible can.  Things I'll be looking to do each day are staying on plan and within points, portion control, drinking water, tracking, getting steps on my Fitbit, focusing on the positives.  Anything that helps me make it through the days without gaining weight week in week out because I want to be healthy and able to handle this life I have right now and the winter that's ahead of me, I'm never a fan of the dark, cold winter at the best of times.  Fancy joining me?

At the end of every day acknowledge how you've survived and what's helped no matter how small those things were, and on the days you don't survive acknowledge tomorrows another day to give it a go.

Whilst I was looking through the blogs I came across a recipe for my brothers Stifado, it really is delicious, here's the link to the recipe if you want to give it a go. Stifado recipe

Also this week in workshops we're talking about knowing your own strengths, if you want to be prepared, go do the questionnaire on this website ahead of of the workshop, I've just done it again, it's quite interesting.  I've done it 4 times over the last 6 years and every time a different result but they all have similarities, it shows how I'm focusing on different strengths or how my strengths have altered over time.  Humour has  always been in my top 3 character traits but for the first time it's number 1 on this questionnaire, I think that's because it's how I'm surviving my current situation, forgiveness has gone from number 9 in 2013 to number 2 today, again I can completely understand why that is and it will help me with my SURVIVE the STRUGGLES challenge, it's good for my mental health too.  Perspective has also risen from 10 to 3, getting close each time I've done it.   In the bottom 5 on all 4 were Spirituality and Prudence, not surprised there either and the only that's dropped into that bottom 5 since 2013 is Self-Regulation, yes again not surprised that since 2013 when mom diagnosed and my priorities have changed, "Regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined, controlling one's appetites and emotions" has become more difficult for me to do lol, that'll explain the weight gain for sure!  Anyway go have a go yourself, see how well you know yourself, it doesn't take too long and don't linger on the questions either,

I have a busy morning, have to to my stock take and it's all a bit of a mess, thankfully I've had some sleep, I think I'm getting used to it being interrupted sleep, not sure that's a good thing, can you believe even after managing to keep mom awake all day, bearing in mind she was awake since 1am, she still woke up and came into me at midnight, 2 sleeping tablets and she only went quiet for about 3 hours, what's that all about.

Speaking of mom, she's just asked for another cuppa so I'll be off, here's to SURVIVING, hope you're with me, everything is easier together xx Mwah xx

luv ya

Love me xx

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