Saturday 9 November 2019

Love a bit of stuffing and gravy 😋😋

Saturday 9th November 2019
I can do this I thought and even if I can't, I have to.

Well it's Saturday morning, half four, let's just say we've been awake quite a while, mom didn't have the best 24 hours, I can't begin to imagine what it's like in her head at all.   To add to the chaos Alfie's limping so looks like a trip to the vet on Monday, I think it's just arthritis type pain but I'll get it checked.

As for me, oh yeah I'm still on my radar as far as taking care of us all in this house, I'm handing it all with a smile, a sense of humour and a glass of red (obviously not this early in the morning but you know what I mean).

How did my eating go yesterday, mmm no junk, that's progress but my dinner was so good, I kept going back and picking at the stuffing lol, so I had a full belly, having said that, I only had a piece of bread with a bit of stuffing on for my tea, so not too bad.  We had scrambled eggs on toasted WW protein bread for our breakfast, I prefer it toasted I have to say.  My steps on my Fitbit are virtually none existent on a none work day but you can't walk if you can't leave the house so I'm not gonna stress about that at all.   The mission is to be as healthy as I can whilst surviving the struggle without beating myself up because I'm not doing it 'GOOD ENOUGH', I'm doing alright.

My dinner though yesterday, oh my words, it was just so good, pure comfort food, a pack of 4 pork loin chops from Aldi, then I mixed up a packet of Paxo sage and onion stuffing which is roughly 21SP in total as it makes 12 balls at 2SP each, using the app it balances out to 21SP for all of them.  Anyway, then I made up half pint of gravy granules with 4tsp (2SP) and mixed that in with the stuffing then topped my pork chops and popped it all in the oven on 140 degrees for about 25 minutes, it was just delicious and I couldn't stop myself going back for the stuffing, Alfie liked his chop too ;).

I have my fish defrosted for my fish pie today, the steak will wait, I decided to eat the food in the order of how much I fancied it, there wasn't much to make us smile in this house yesterday, so food definitely was going to be one of them!

I have been given Apple TV free for a year though because of having a new phone, I watched the new series The Morning Show yesterday and really enjoyed it, I'm a bit Jennifer Aniston fan and now I'm also a Reese Witherspoon fan too, both are great in it and it really gave me food for thought around the whole, 'me too' thing.

I just wish there were more good comedy shows to watch, some good funny movies, mom just can't keep up with story lines of anything too serious at all and tv is one of the only things left for her to do.

Anyway positive head on, I've got a cracking morning at work to look forward to, I had a wonderful massage yesterday thanks to my sister sitting with mom and a very kind lady treating me, that was a lovely surprise.  I've got so much crochet to do and only two hands, trying to raise money for Mind charity this morning, I've promised to raise money for Liz's cat charity next month and also some for the Church we run our Bloxwich workshops out of, then in January I'm going to help Mel raise money for Age UK.  All these charity's are worthy causes, so maybe throughout next year I'll let my other helpers choose a charity each month and we can raise money for each one every month, they all help me so much, it's the least I can do in return.

Now this months is mind and I've signed up for the Crafternoon, I can't do it in person but we can all agree to do some crafting throughout the month, maybe make something that's sellable to help raise money, something like Christmas decorations, something like this maybe...

free pattern here Crochet gingerbread man

or for my Happy Owls, how about doing a Christmas Owl 

or whatever you can come up with, if you're a card maker, baker, knitter, whatever crafting you fancy having a go at, could we try to sell it and raise a little cash.

Anyway, I need to go shower and get ready for work, moms looking for me downstairs so I need to go see her.  Here's to surviving the struggle, doing what we can, when we can and being kind to others and ourselves.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx😋😋😋

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