Sunday 10 November 2019

Let's play the Gratitude Game

Sunday 10th November 2019
What is anger? It's the punishment we give to ourself for somebody else's mistake.

Yesterday was a funny old day, I spent the morning enjoying my members and our workshop, then the afternoon proving I was Beverley to my mom, she kept asking what time I was going to be home and when we could go home to our house, at one point I asked how I could prove who I was and she said, 'well our Bev has a scar about her right eye', I was so impressed she knew it was my right eye, I had think about it, but she didn't, so we confirmed it was me and then she went to the toilet and on her way back said, it's only 6, she's not gonna be home for another two house, that's a long time.  So I smiled and said, I'm here mom and she smiled back and said and are we home, yes mom you're home.  She then started to worry a little about what was happening to her but I reassured her saying, "all you need to remember mom is you are safe and always will be, Anne and I are making sure of that, you never need to worry".  Can you even begin to imagine not recognising your own daughter, then to realise that you didn't!  It wasn't all sad yesterday though, when I hug her, I can physically feel the stress leave her body, we've also had a good nights sleep, even if she thinks she didn't, she did because I've only heard her move about a couple of times and these days, I hear it all.  

I'm afraid I did indulge in chocolate and crisps yesterday though, I'm not going to apologise though because that Marathon (oh yes it had marathon on the label) was immense, the Walkers ready salted weren't bad either, I won't bother buying another packet of Snaps though, but oh the milky bar kid for 3SP was just lush, and yes it was a Milky Bar KID!  I bit his head off first, that cost me one smart point ;) 

I made a fish pie which turned out okay, not amazing, I'm not going to lie, it's better with mash on I've decided for next time. 

Let's play the Gratitude Game this morning; 

Name a person you are thankful for.......

Name a place you are thankful for.......

Name a food you are thankful for......

Name a thing you are thankful for......

Name anything of your choice.....

Right here's mine, I'll go first. 

Name a person you are thankful for....... My sister, for so many reasons right now.

Name a place you are thankful for....... My home

Name a food you are thankful for...... 
Ooo so many!  I'll choose bread, or eggs, oh ma'an this is a toughie 

Name a thing you are thankful for...... My car, it gets me about and has been with me about 15 years

Name anything of your choice..... My Alfie, I'm so grateful for him even though he drives me nuts he brings me so much pleasure too.  I'm also grateful for those pressure smile moments I still get with mom in-between the difficult times. 

It's true it is a good way to start the day, taking a moment to be grateful, or you could end the day like it, or better still, take moments throughout the day to think of something, especially when you're having a tough time.  

I finished my latest crochet project yesterday, a snowflake lap blanket for raffling off to raise funds for Mind UK, why did I choose Snowflakes?  Well obvious reason because it's almost winter and it's getting really cold so we want something to snuggle beneath but also because like snowflakes no two people are the same, we are all unique in our own special way, it's important to remember that, oh and like snowflakes we are also all BeYOUtiful x 

Here it is, they always look better in real life than in photos; 

 It's roughly 56inches at its widest, that's it lying on a double bed below.  The tickets are £1 each, you can buy them directly from me (or Carol) or send me the cash via PayPal, my email is and message me to let me know and I'll let you know your ticket numbers, I'm happy to post it to you if you win and aren't local.  Let's raise as much cash as possible.

Okay, I'll let you get on with your day, it's lightening up here and I think my Alfie is going to want a walk soon, not too far though because of his leg, it doesn't seem to be bothering him though.

Have a great day, survive the struggles, one meal at a time remember, mwah,

luv ya

Love me xx

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