Sunday 8 September 2019

Day 8 #SelfCareSeptember

Sunday 8th September 2019
Any day spent with you is my favourite day, so today is my new favourite day (Winnie the Pooh)

Morning, quick one from me this morning as I've got to walk Alfie and then meet my brother to go for our Sunday morning walk.  One of my members Karen showed me her notebook yesterday with the #SelfCareSeptember stuff in it so far and it was fab, if you’re struggling to answer some of the questions do what she has and write the questions down then ask your friends to help you answer them, great idea if you're not sure what's sabotaging you.  

Today's is a nice task, self care means taking time to do the things we enjoy, like me going for my walk this morning, one thing I've realised from the last week is one thing I miss more than anything is being alone, I love my own company and used to go off for weekends or holidays alone, I can't do that at the moment but one day hopefully, I'll get to and until then, I can think about it! 

Today's task is to answer the following question. 

What would your perfect day look like?

What it wouldn't look like is easy to answer, but really think about what you do want, visualise it, play it out in your head from the moment you wake up, so I know I would wake up feeling refreshed for starters after having a wonderful night's sleep, I'd wake up in a giant bed with clean sheets and a fluffy quilt with a white Egyptian cotton quilt cover on, oh and I can hear the sound of the sea outside my window. 

Have a good think, write it down, don't miss anything out, get specific, including as much  detail as possible.   

Why do this?  Well what you write down could be completely possible, maybe not every day but you could plan for it to be a holiday or a one off, or something you do every now and again.  Or maybe just aspects of it you could include in your life as it is now. How fabulous would it be if we could live our perfect day every day! 

These questions might help you get started:

  • Where would you be?
  • Who would be with you?
  • What would you be doing?
  • What wouldn’t you be doing? (and then leave this out!)
  • How would you feel?
  • What steps do you need to take to start making this more of a reality?
Okay your turn, enjoy doing this whilst enjoying a relaxing cuppa hopefully, it is Sunday after all and most people don't work (sorry if you do, unless you love your job). 

Right mine, as I've already said I'd wake up in a luxurious bed, lie there listening to the sound of the waves outside my window, I'd make myself a mug of tea and go and sit on the porch to watch the sun rise, my cottage is either on a cliff top or on a beach, I can't decide, maybe I own two houses and I walk daily from one to another ;) ooo now that sounds lush.  I'm living in Wales I think that would be my coastal path of choice, preferably North Pembrokeshire, where the path is rugged and it's quiet. 

I then go for a long walk, there's not a soul in sight and I spend a couple of hours exploring the path and beach, just me, my thoughts and a glorious day, I pass by some seals in a cove, dolphins are swimming past too, it's just glorious. 

When I get back, I enjoy making a long, healthy breakfast whilst listening to the radio, knowing I have the whole day in front of me to do as much or as little as I please.  

Anyway, that's enough of my day, what does yours look like.  

What I've realised writing mine is I do a lot of the things that would be included in my perfect day, I may however be buying myself a new quilt.  I'm also going to continue with my decluttering because one thing I love about being in a holiday cottage or staying in a hotel is it's minimalism and tidiness, I want more of that in my house.  There are things I cannot change in my world right now, but there are lots of things I can do to make my home a place I enjoy being and my life the way I'd like for the moment.  How about you?

Enjoy filling your notepad today, I need to think of something to write tomorrow, maybe it'll come to me whilst we're on our walk today.  Mwah xx

Luv ya

Love me xx

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