Saturday 7 September 2019

Day 7 #SelfCareSeptember

Saturday 7th September 2019
Because my body is my home and the greatest wealth is health.

One of the basic self care things we can do is making sure we’re well fed.  Do you eat well?  Are your food choices providing you with the energy you need to function?  Do you take time out to eat meals at work or working straight through.  Do you keep healthy snacks to hand for when your body needs to feed during the day?  Do you skip meals, grab on the go, eat too fast?

Self care means eating healthy foods!

I thought today we could look at planning ahead to help ourselves with this part of our self care routine.   We did some foods lists the other day of foods we enjoy and don't so from those you can make your weekly shopping list.  Today let's look at meal ideas, you could write a list of as many meal ideas as you can think of, breakfast, lunch and dinner, but then of course you may want to do think of ideas for when you're on the road, if you work away and have to stay in hotels regularly, if you eat at your desk.  Here's some ideas for your lists, the meals are down to you because you are the expert in yourself! 

Breakfast ideas 
Main meal ideas 
Meals for work / lunch ideas
Meals when you’re out and about or away
Meals if you work away and have to stay in hotel

I sat with my book yesterday, I had an hour to fill between dropping my car of and having my massage so I spent a wonderful uninterrupted hour thinking about my bucket list and meal list, I loved doing my bucket list, I have done so much, I've already had a great life, I realised there's not much I still want to do, not new stuff anyway but there are things I look forward to being able to do again some day, the idea of a weekend in a cottage on the beach on my own sounds like my idea of heaven, I will do it again eventually.

Back to the meal ideas, that wasn't so easy you know!  I really had to think, they I googled but it made me realise it's a great idea to do because when we're struggling to stay on track, the last thing we're able to do is think about healthy meals, so if you have a list to hand to just look at, result.   Oh and every time I think of another like I just thought Frittata I can add it to the list, then frittata makes me think about Spanish omelette, there's two more on my list.  Now do I give you some to start you off or not?  See we're all different and like different things, I know my bestie would put mussels on her list, it ain't going on mine!  I love scallops but I rarely cook them as it's my choice of starter when I eat out and they're not easy to cook.  Oh go on then, I'll go find my book and share;

Roast Dinner - meat / potatoes / veggies
Chicken casserole
beef stew
spaghetti bolognaise
egg fried rice
sausage and mash
pasta bake
salmon, rice (or potatoes, squabbles) and veg 
Fish in breadcrumbs or batter with chips or mash and peas
Fish finger sandwich
meatballs with mash, rice or spaghetti 
spaghetti carbonara
shepherds or cottage pie
cheese and potato pie, baked beans
40 cloves of garlic chicken
soup and bread
stuffed peppers 
fish pie
egg and chips with beans or peas
omelette, Spanish omelette or frittata
burgers / hot dogs
chicken, chips and gravy with peas 
slow cooker chicken
stir fry
fish cakes 
pork chops / gammon 
breakfast dry fry up
tacos / kebabs
Orzo dish 

Just think over time you could get another notebook and write your recipes in there with the points values and you'll have your own personal cookbook, even a roast dinner needs pointing so you could put weights and points under that one.

Today's task is an easy on because we don't want to make this self-care a real tough thing to do, we want to enjoy it.  After all, self care is not a competition, let's show people you’re happier and healthier not tell them, it good to share how you're feeling but no one wants it shoved down their throats do they, there's nothing more infuriating than someone who's all ra ra look at how well I'm doing when you're doing crap lol, when they're saying 'yay, you can do it', when all you're thinking is, 'no actually right now I can't', so yeah lead the way by example, don't drag everyone with your regardless of whether they want to come or not.  

Now I'm going to use my list to plan my week over the weekend, I have some food in the fridge that needs cooking and using so I won't be shopping till Monday probably, I'm going to do a cooking demo in my FB group too at some point, they voted for Nepalese keema style curry, which I'll do, but the other options were Coq au vin which I really fancy so I'm going to do that too, and the third was pork chops with creaky leeks and new potatoes so maybe I'll be doing 3 options after all, we shall see, they're all from the new WW less than 30 minutes cookbook. 

Well I'm sat here in the dark, my lightbulb has just gone and I'm not climbing up ladders or standing on chairs at this time of the morning, knowing my luck I'll break something, so I'm manage to finish this in the dark, then go get showered and dressed and hopefully it'll have lightened up a little by then. I'm looking forward to tomorrows blog post already because I think I know what I'm going to write about, I think you'll like it too. I'm loving seeing what you're all writing, I love that you're posting it on Facebook for others to read, thank you because it encourages them to get involved, we could all do with a bit more self care.

I'm off to spend my morning with my lovely Saturday tribe, it's just the best way to end my working week, see some of you soon, the rest of you, spend a little time with your notebook. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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