Wednesday 29 May 2019

What a plank!

Wednesday 29th May 2019
The past is your lesson.  The present is your gift.  The future is your motivation.

#MyMay is almost over, 3 more days and I'm feeling so good in myself, even yesterday when mom was horrid all afternoon, I stayed calm and out of the kitchen, actually I didn't stay out of the kitchen I went in there to hide and wash up, I then cooked myself some low pointed delicious food, then I went to work again and she was back to being my lovely mom when I got home thankfully, so I made it through another day.

This was how it looked, lots of plates of deliciousness!

Sainsbury's Flatbread (3SP) & 2 bacon medallions (5SP) with mushrooms and lettuce - so good.

Chicken wrapped in ham with St Agur cheese (4SP) in the middle, mash (3SP) and veg 

Don't you get a lot of ham for 1SP

Can of tuna with 2SP worth of low fat mayo and chives, salad and 2 extra light triangles (2SP) 
Alfie ate the third one. 

This was my sweet treat, so good 0% Greek yogurt with raspberries topped with a chopped up protein raspberry crunch bar for 2SP - so good!  

 Mom asked for a ham sarnie around 9ish which is unheard of and I admit to having a slice of bread with a bit of ham on myself, but that's only 2SP. And of course there was wine, we were watching BGT so I was up later than I usually am.

It's weigh in this morning, I'll take a stayed the same, I've been thirsty this week  😉 I'd add and it was a Bank Holiday but in my house it was just a usual Monday, I don't work them anyway.

Anyway, #MeFirst has begun and after posting this link in my group the other day, Can you do this? it made me realise, I'm a long way from the healthy, fit, supple and strong person I once was and thanks to this weeks topic in my workshops, it's making me think about it and address it.  I've signed up for Lorraine's online workouts to get me started because I need to start slow and steady and she had all kinds of videos for all kinds of levels, I fancy the resistance training but first there's a 15 minute one for bad knees (perfect for me!).  I'm not going to lie when I first started looking into this strength training all my brain was saying was 'oh what use would lifting a couple of cans of beans do!' but I know anything helps really, hell I used to go to the gym 6 times a week and have personal training sessions, I've forgotten everything I learnt but I do remember, every little bit helps.

This morning I've started with my first plank, after hearing Louise tell us in the workshop last night, that her husband had spine problems and the specialist told him he'd need surgery unless he did a plank for 30 seconds every day and 3 months later he doesn't need it and his disks have sorted themselves out - worth a try for sure, I mean everyone has 30 seconds, I was impressed I managed the 30 seconds to be honest.  So that's going on my to do list every morning, if I can build up and do it for longer great but if I can't 30 seconds will be good enough.

I've also signed up to I can't and don't want to go to classes, plus to be honest I don't think I could do them quite yet, I'd knacker my back up completely, I want to build up really slowly, I want to strengthen my joints by building the muscles around them and I think I can do that at my own pace with Lorraine online workouts, she's going to sort out a fantastic discount for my members too (I paid full price lol, no favouritism here can I add!  Just in case you thought I was getting something for nothing, I didn't), so again make sure you're in my workshops this week to hear more.  The reason I chose to sign up to this was because I've heard nothing but good stuff about her workshops, I've honestly, hand on heart never heard anyone say 'no I didn't like her classes' it's usually, "oh she's brilliant', I had that response a few times yesterday when I mentioned her classes.  So even if you're not local, you can make use of her via the online workouts, I've only briefly looked but there's so much choice from yoga to spin and all the usual aerobics type stuff and strength training, anyway, I'm waffling about her, go look at her website or go to one of her classes and decide about her yourself, that's my plan because let's be honest, I've only paid the subscription so far, I can't confirm she's worked for me yet as I've not even done a workout yet, I did watch one as I walked Alfie - it's a start!

Weigh day and no meals planned, I need to get thinking, I don't do 'treat day' because I do 'treat wine' continually!  I can't do both.  I have another of those stuffed chicken breasts I could have, I'm loving those flatbreads and there are 5 in a pack which don't keep so I'll have one of those probably, that could be one meal, ooo I could have chicken and bacon salad with flat bread, now you're talking.  I might make some breakfast muffins with the last two packets of WW oats I have and hope more will be delivered today.  I might make some of those egg savoury muffins too.  I like this #MeFirst version of me and I massively thank #MyMay for getting me back to the person I used to be before Alzheimers crept its way into our world and spread it's disease far and wide.

Here's to a very, very, great day, now if Alfie stays on moms bed a little longer, I'm going to go do the first 15 minutes workout in the living room, or maybe the kitchen has more space, we are untidy buggers after all!

Catch ya tomorrow.

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