Tuesday 28 May 2019

Food finds for ya

Tuesday 28th May 2019
Old ways won't open new doors.

Wonderful, glorious sleep, I've just enjoyed two minutes shy of 8 hours and according to my Fitbit only 13 minutes restless which I am thankful for and as I sat down to write my blog, a big fox walked down the street at 5am, he's obviously going home for his sleep.

#MyMay is almost over and it's really served me well, I'm really more aware of myself, my behaviour and my needs.  My eating is much more improved and I'm taking advantage of going for a walk whenever I can, yesterday that involved walking round the supermarket.  In the past I would've ordered online so as not to leave mom again but instead I made sure she was in a good mood and settled then nipped out.  Glad I did as I got me a couple of clothes bargains and good to check points on things that I might have missed online, I had my marker pen in my pocket and marked the things up I bought as they went in my trolley, that saves me having to do it again.

This was one of the bargains I found, a Taste the difference Beef Hash for 12SP, that's going to be my Thursday night tea I think after my long day.  Don't know why the photo is the wrong way round but you can twist your neck, consider it exercise!

I picked one of these up too which I haven't had in years, another head turner, it's 6SP in half, 11SP for the whole thing.  Long life cupboard food, perfect for emergencies.

For my dinner last night I wasn't really hungry but I really fancied one of these fillets I'd bought (6SP each) so I had that on a flatbread (3SP). 

I usually have the seeded ones but these were pitta like and delicious for 3SP, I also added 2SP of tartare sauce after I took the photo, had to be done. 

These are delicious for 1SP each if not a little on the expensive side, but they were on offer.  They're pointed because they are processed and they are only 87% chicken, they have oil and other ingredients in them,  Worth the point though.

And my last addition to my basket was these bacon medallions 2 for 1SP, they're be lush for breakfast on a plain flatbread, nom nom, check me out planning meals ;)

The rest of my day was the usual, dog walks, crochet and tv with mom, I was pleased to find new episodes of New Amsterdam on Amazon prime though I have to admit, it's a real good medical drama if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.

That's me off, I need to shower and sort my stuff for work, here's to a truly, tremendous Tuesday, oh one last thing, we're talking strength in workshops this week and a friend shared this video with me, can you do it?  It took me a few attempts but I managed it once, Can you do this! made me realise how my fitness levels have declined over the last few years, I used to be really supple and strong, mmm need to work on that!

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