Sunday 12 May 2019

What a glorious Sunday morning

Sunday 12th May 2019
Be positive, be patient, be persistent.

Sunday morning and all is calm in my world, I woke up and found myself singing and dancing round the kitchen as I waited for the kettle to boil, I stopped and thought to myself, 'ooo I like feeling like this first thing in the morning', I'm rested and relaxed.  Fast forward five minutes and my mom is turning her bedroom upside down, she's lost her purse AGAIN!  We found it Friday morning and I watched her put it in the bottom drawer, well it's not there now, so I go to get worked up but instead I calmly say let me go through your drawers and say, 'if the biggest issue we have today is trying to find a purse with £25 in that we can live without, we're lucky ain't we.  It's also a good job you're not in charge of the local treasure hunt cos no one would find anything again!'  We laugh together and no we don't find the purse but it'll turn up at some point.

I ended yesterday on 35SP, so I'm now minus four of my weeklies but they can come out of my FitPoints of which I've only earned 63 this week, I plan to add to that later, as my brothers at work today, I'm going to go and deliver some flyers round Essington and try and get me some new members, next weeks Open House, anyone can come and check out our workshops see what they're all about and find out more about our Freestyle plan which we know is by far the best way to lose weight and get healthy that's out there.

Alfie and I have already been for a walk, he did a lot of standing in the middle of the street just watching the world go by, so we've managed 3k steps, #MyMay is going really well, yesterday was all about chilling out with wine and a binge of The Night Shift on Netflix, loved it.   I might indulge in a long bubble bath later after the leafleting, that can be my one thing today.

I'm going to experiment with my microwave rice maker today I think, I have 2 lemon breasts of chicken cooked which I could have with it and some veggies.  I've had hard boiled eggs and a banana for my breakfast, all zero, need to save my points, although my week resets tomorrow and I get my weeklies back.  I'm doing better than I've done in a very, long time, I'm aware of the fact, the better I'm eating and the more I'm making myself a priority, the better I'm feeling and the more inclination to do things I have, so stuff as simple as the washing up, I'm not thinking 'oh ma'an I gotta wash up', I'm just doing it.  I'm also thinking about weeding the front garden which is a huge task as it looks like a little jungle, but today flyers are more important.

Right, I'm off to get stuff done, it's only 7.45am, mom and Alfie woke me up at 5.30am they're like a tag team.  I'm looking forward to my Sunday, hope you're looking forward to yours too.  Got my audio book to listen to as I deliver my flyers, my crochet to do when I watch tv with mom later, yeah life is good.

Enjoy your Sunday BeYOUtiful.

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