Saturday 11 May 2019

Pizza & cake #MyMay

Saturday 11th May 2019
you can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both.

Well yesterday was a very lovely day, I'm back to enjoying the small stuff and having an attitude of gratitude, it makes such a difference to life, laughter for me really is the best medicine and we did some of that yesterday, we watched a film on Netflix called Wine Country, it was about a group of friends who go for a weekend away together, it did bring back some fond memories for me of great weekends I've had with my girls, they were celebrating a 50th birthday, so then I was jealous because that would be a great way to celebrate mine.  Anyway I digress, we were watching it and the one started doing the floss, mom was really laughing at her so I said come on let's have a go, so we start trying when she eventually gets to her feet and neither of us can do it, we're laughing so much I get my phone to record it and then she farts, I look at my phone and I haven't started recording - gutted, I got the bit at the end where she's more wafting the fart away than flossing but we're laughing and that's the most important part.  That's the one thing I miss most about my mom, the laughs we always had, so I'm cherishing them whenever the opportunity arises. mom not flossing! 

We also watched 'The Meg' which is a very enjoyable Jaw's type film, far fetched and fabulous and Jason Statham so plenty to look at ;), next we watched Brene Brown on Netflix, she's a very wise and witty lady, worth watching and check out her Ted talks too if you want to understand humanity and yourself a little bit more.  

Before we started watching tv, I did spend some time in the kitchen, I made those mini muffins and we both loved them, great replacement for moms cake.

that entire plate of them was 5SP so 2 for 1SP is perfect.  Take them to work if you're not a morning person and have a late breakfast to pick at through the morning.  I'll definitely be making these again.

I'm loving this yogurt from Lidl's, I'm eating it straight from the tub (good job only I eat it!), 

Check me out, I've been eating raspberries, pineapple and having a banana a day too - this is huge in my world as I don't do fruit, but I plan to buy more, I've got frozen mango in the freezer, I keep Maning to take some out, that's my to do for today. 

I made the 2 ingredients flatbread recipe from yesterdays blog too, made one flat bread to try then used 2/3rds of it to make this pizza, it wasn't bad, wouldn't used as a pizza again not when I can have those lidl ones for 5SP, but would've been better with passata on but I didn't have any, only had tomato puree which is pointable.   Lots of people really like those flatbreads so give them a go!  Again I'll stick with the 3SP flatbreads I can buy from Sainsbury's and Morrisons. 

I relied a lot on zero heroes yesterday, wafer thin ham saved me from myself as I kept looking for a zero meal in the fridge!  I need to have some hard boiled eggs and cooked chicken breasts in the fridge at all times for when I've had my wine as I had yesterday and got the munchies.  The only thing I had after wine was a packet of those Fava beans, nom nom, they did the job, although I could've ate another packet, I didn't.

See it's not easy but we can do it if we keep reminding ourselves of our why.  The weather meant there wasn't much walking done yesterday, my lowest day for steps and only 33 active minutes, but the Fitbit tells me I had a good 8 hours sleep which is just as important.

I'm entering the weekend with only 8SP weeklies to spare, I have earned 56 FitPoints though and I will use some of them if I need to, my points reset on Monday even though I'm being weighed on Wednesday because that's how I prefer, I like to start afresh on a Monday.

Oh no food plans for the day so I need to get myself sorted, will go check out the fridge and freezer this morning and decide, thinking eggs for breakfast of course, then we shall see.

Whatever you're up to this weekend, enjoy, take care of you and join me in #MyMay, we can all become a better version of ourselves.

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