Tuesday 15 August 2017

Off to open my new doors!

15th August 2017

Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant.  There will always be someone out there that needs what you have to give.

I have never made as many cups of tea as I did yesterday!  Worth it though, as now I have French doors in my kitchen – yay, they arrived just before ten and left at 4, how good is that.   Lovely blokes too, so if you need any windows, doors etc done, check out Tony’s Facebook page for more info https://www.facebook.com/Bradleywindows/ , realistically priced too!   My kitchen man came and put me some temporary worktops in too, so I have something resembling a makeshift kitchen.  5 more weeks and it’ll be good, after today and the lino, we’ll not have any workmen about either so we can relax a little.  I’m shattered after yesterday and done nowt…

I did get food parcels though from my lovely member Anita, chill and a chick pea curry, that’s me sorted for a few meals.  Had me a Weight Watcher spaghetti bolognaise yesterday, it was good, I’d defo keep one of those in the freezer for emergencies, mom had the macaroni cheese, she loved it.

Spent an hour with one of my colleagues, we did some computer work in my office, it’s a good job I’d cleared the floor the other night when I couldn’t sleep or she wouldn’t have got in the room.  I can’t wait for the kitchen to be done, I can have visitors then and they’ll be room, it looks a bit more spacious in there for some reason, don’t know if it’s my imagination as the room hasn’t grown has it. 

I don’t know if I’ve blogged this already but I’ve realised over the last month or so, that I never let anyone over the threshold, it’s almost as if I have garlic round my neck and think they might be vampires!  The real reason is because that was how we were bought up, dad never let mom have friends round and that behaviour has continued over the years.  I’ve started to change that and it’s nice having people round, mom gets to have a natter with them too, I’m not always the best company so at least she gets to see other faces.  Now I’ve got my French Doors I’ll have some seating outside on the patio (once I’ve cleaned it up) and on the odd rare dry day we have we can sit out there too!

You know I said I’d track yesterday, I lied, I didn’t, and I just made tea (lots of it), tried to keep Alfie out of the way and calm and worked.  I only ate 3 times though, no snacking so that’s a bonus.  I slept really well, woke up by the alarm which is always a good sign when that happens.

I need my Front living room window doing too, yep it has a lovely bow in it and a pyramid shape of lose bricks about – yay, and I’m meant to be poor forever!  I’ve been ignoring the little piles of gritty red like sand that appears on that window sill and others around the house but turns out, we know why now.  Replacement windows all round I’m thinking, can finally have the opening window on the landing I wished I’d had 20 years ago and the opening window above the toilet.   This is turning into a very expensive year, it’s a good job we haven’t had a holiday for 3 years, we won’t be having one for another 3 or more either by the looks.

Hey ho, what we are going to have is a damn good day, lots of lovely members to see, a chilli that looks immense to eat and a worktop, that I actually won’t probably need to use today, but it feels good knowing it’s there to sit my slow cooker on when I buy a chicken and make me some dinner. 

What you got to look forward to today BeYOUtiful?  Enjoy your day…

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