Monday 14 August 2017

Don't try - don't get!

14th August 2017
“May the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation.” – It is time.

What’s scarier than it already being the middle of August, over half way through the kids summer holidays is that it’s only 132 days to Christmas!  2017 has to be going faster than any other year I’ve known.    There’s 20 weeks left of this year which means from a weight loss point of view, there’s the potential to still lose up to 3 stone! 

½lb a week = 10lb
1lb a week = 20lb
1½lb a week = 30lb
2lb a week = 40lb   

I’d be made up with 10lb to be honest, I stayed the same this week – remember there’s no shame in a maintain.  I’d be lying if I said I’d even pointed much this week, so my tweak this week is to get back to tracking, if I don’t know the exact points in something because someone else has made it I can still guestimate can’t I.  I’m under that stone and I want to stay there and tracking is the way to do it! 

And I want some light food, I ate a lot of beef last week, had a deliciously, epic lamb dinner yesterday but now I’m ready for fish, chicken and eggs with grains, rice and lots of fresh vegetables, mmm yeah, looking forward to fresher meals.  Not sure how I’ll work stuff today as they’re ripping out the kitchen window and fitting the French doors, we’ll cope though.  Maybe microwave veggies with Salmon, I’ll get it out the freezer in a minute.  Although I do fancy chicken, I could go buy one and throw it in the slow cooker, decisions, decisions, not long now before I have a functioning kitchen with worktops and cookers, then I can make a real meal.

20 weeks left of the year, when I went to that interview that week, I realised I haven’t been doing much of anything at all lately, I have the best job – obviously but other than that, I’ve been living the quiet life.  I came away from that interview feeling challenged for the first time in a long time, if I’m honest I wasn’t even sure why I’d agreed to go, apart from it being local and I was told I could ‘bank the talent’ until a time that suited me and Weight Watchers if I was lucky enough to pass the assessment.  I came away feeling good, actually feeling great, it felt a little like when I have one of those WW meetings that is just that little bit extra special, when the magic happens.  Yeah I was buzzing by the time I got home, I felt it had gone well and as the week has gone on I’ve realised I actually want the role (especially as it doesn’t stop me being a Weight Watcher coach).  It’d challenge me in a different way to how my life is already doing so, which I need right now.    All I’ve ever wanted to do in my role as a Weight Watcher coach is help others, I love being a part of their journey’s and helping to increase their confidence to believe in themselves, to know they are good enough and see them achieve their goals.  If I could get to be a part of the team that helps develop existing and new coaches to feel as passionate and capable at their roles as I do and help make their jobs a little easier (cos it's a hard one you know), I’ve realised I’d really like that opportunity.  Now all I’ve got to do is wait and find out.  If you don’t put yourself out there, you never get what you want.  Okay, I might not be successful on this occasion, but there’s always next time, this experience has helped me to realise actually I do want to be something else in addition to being a coach.  It’s reminded me I’m in my 40s not my 90s, I still have plenty of life ahead of me for new experiences and challenges.

I’ve woke up on this Monday morning optimistic about the future, whatever this week holds, I’ve loved watching the videos of my colleague around the country saying why they love being a coach, if you want to watch a few just type #ReasonsToCoach into the search engine on Facebook and you’ll see lots of them. 

Right I better get my backside into gear, got the window men coming but also a colleague, we’re gonna do some stuff together.  That’s another thing I’ve realised this last week, I miss social interaction outside of my meetings, and I plan to rectify that too.  What do you want to change in your life BeYOUtiful or is it already perfect?

Have a great day xx

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