Monday 8 May 2017

Yesterday was a good day...

8th May 2017
A mistake should be your teacher, not your attacker.  A mistake is a lesson, not a loss.  It is a temporary, necessary detour, not a dead end.

Don't you just love a sunny day, I do and I enjoyed yesterdays a lot.  I did go and spend a couple of hours in B&Q on the morning, I only went to look at stuff but ended up letting the lady design me my dream kitchen, it was fun, don't worry I haven't ordered it.

I couldn't believe how much it had warmed up when I came out but I went straight in the garden when I got back, half filled the garden waste bin with weeds so earned me a few Fit Points doing that.  Then mom and I spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine and having a giggle.  I just love days like that where mom forgets her pain for a few hours and we forget the world outside.  She even said, 'we don't have to go on holiday with days like this, it's all here without the traveling', how true is that.

Food-wise, I did No Count again, had a really filling breakfast of eggy crumpet, bacon medallion, beans and another egg on top, that kept me going all day until we had egg sandwiches for tea.  I know that's a lot of eggs but they needed using and I like them a lot.

I definitely feel better for having eaten better, the power of No Count is it stops my cravings for the junk, I've not eaten a bag of crisps for a week now thankfully, not eaten in-between meals other than fruit, oh and I did have jelly and yogurt the other day, mmm might have yogurt for breakfast and oats with the strawberries that are about to die in the kitchen.

Looks like another sunny day, maybe not as hot as yesterday but we'll get a good dog walk in and maybe another bit of gardening, get it all ready for the proper summer arriving so when we sit out there it's really pretty.

I still have a little decluttering to do I think, only a little, I've just seen a quote that's so accurate for me, 'for the longest time, I thought I needed to be more organised.  Now I know I just needed less stuff.'  This is so true, by getting rid of stuff I'm much more organised and on top of things.   The office could still do with purging, I'm going along the belief that I should have nothing in my house that we don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful, we're getting rid of the STUFF!   The office is the one I keep putting off, I've done a bit, got rid of a load of books, done my desk top too.  Now I need to do the drawers and the counter where my printer is, oh and the floor where everything ends up.  Mmm that's gonna have to wait for a rainy day though, I'm not wasting sunshine today - not a chance.

I know this is probably very boring if you're reading it but it's helping me sort out in my head what I need to be doing, so sorry about that.  Right I'm off to start my day, get my work done so I can go have a little fun in the sun maybe.

It's Monday, start of the week, let's make it a fantastic one BeYOUtiful, whatever your weekend looked like, make Monday marvellous.

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