Tuesday 9 May 2017

Do you worry about your health?

9th May 2017
Don't expect to see a change if you don't make one.
Started my day with oats strawberries and unsweetened almond milk yesterday, think I'm happier with skimmed milk but it was okay.  By the time it came to eat again, I was already hungry and impatient for it to cook so had leftover stewing steak on a jacket potato, the edamame beans weren't cooked so I ended up eating them afterwards from a cup, nice snack though, I could actually eat them like that, I like a lot, frozen too, so I can have them in the cupboard.  I'd also eaten a warby thin whilst I was waiting for it all to cook.  Now I'm beginning to wander if it was because I didn't have my usual cooked breakfast that I'd got hungry like that, or was it just one of those days.  I made a cold pasta salad for my tea, it was alright and now I've just realised why I then started craving cheese, good strong cheese.  It was because none of my meals yesterday had done it for me, none of them had satisfied me in the taste stakes, I was left unfulfilled.   I just couldn't be bothered to cook, not today though, I'm going to make the effort to cook today and have something tasty.  I really fancy salmon, so if there's none in the fridge, I'll nip in the Co-op.

I had a lovely chat yesterday morning with a members wife who gave me a number to call, her friend works at carers support and had told her to get me to ring.  They were both very helpful and she's going to arrange for someone to come out in a couple of weeks to see how they can help me as the carer.  I wonder if they supply carers wine allowance :)

I'm still on top of the housework, hoovered through yesterday, mom did the living room then I did the rest, cleared more out of the utility room, even washed the dogs bed - oh yeah, we are all over this domesticated goddess lark!  I'm seeing it as my daily workout, it might not be 'fun' but I never thought an hour at the gym was either and both burn calories but one leaves me with a tidy house, so no brainer really in my eyes.

Alfie and me had two walks, the second one involved walking slowly over to the park and then plonking himself down to watch the world go by, it was actually quite nice to sit on the grass for 10-15 minutes and enjoy getting a bit of Vitamin D.

I had a phone call from a member who'd been told they had high cholesterol and they needed to eat a healthy diet, then told that yes the Weight Watchers diet was the best option. So what causes it? 
  • eating a diet high in saturated fat
  • not being physically active
  • being overweight or obese
  • smoking
  • having a large waist circumference.
 These are the obvious causes but there are secondary ones;
  • type 2 diabetes
  • underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroid)
  • kidney problems
  • liver problems
  • alcohol intake
Improving your levels can take a good 6 months, but you can see improvements in 3-4 weeks, another reason to lose some weight, oh okay and reduce my alcohol intake a little bit, although my cholesterol was alright when I had my last medical.   Best not to tempt fate though ay, I'm still after losing a stone no matter how long it takes me.
For even more information check out  this website https://heartuk.org.uk/health-and-high-cholesterol/what-causes-high-cholesterol, ooo it says soya foods are good and my edamame beans come under that group, oats are good too.  There are not miracle foods but following Weight Watchers naturally reduces your saturated fat intake which is only a good thing.
Okay back to food because that's what floats my boat most days, I have crumpets left in the cupboard, thins and bread, so whatever I have for breakfast will involve them, bacon, egg and thins maybe. I'm sure there's a few mushrooms left too, I need to remember to add cherry tomatoes to my shopping list too. 

Right let's get this day started, I've been awake since 4am as you do, woke a few times in the night, got stuff going through my head but I've still managed to sleep inbetween!   Going to use that extra time to do an online delivery, using my Asda pass ain't I, the delivery I had last week was much better.

Here's to another good day!  Oh and I did have a chunk of cheese last night, I couldn't resist, but I sliced it thinly and ate it with chunks of pineapple so added a little bit of balance, 1 slice of low calorie bread with cucumber.  Could've been worse, could've been a cheese and onion sarnie and a bag of crisps!  See look at the positives BeYOUtiful, always see the good. xx

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