Monday 15 May 2017

Instant gratification sucks eventually!

15th May 2017
Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.

This weekend have you sacrificed what you want most for what you want in the moment?  Did you put back your weight loss success for instant gratification?  Did you overspend to 'treat' yourself to something you fancied when you're trying to save up for that holiday you really want or to get out of debt? 

We really do need to start to realise that some things take time, we need to stay positive and be patient and stop trying to rush to the end result, especially with weight loss because even after you reach your goal, it isn't the end.

Maybe you had an epic weekend, if so well done you!  Mine from a weight loss point of view probably wasn't the best, I took my eye off the ball, I've not had a plan in place at all, yesterday was mostly a bread day, I had a bacon and egg sarnie for brunch then we had a Chinese chicken sandwich for tea, I'm not so keen on the Chinese or Tandoori flavouring myself but I would definitely have the Lemon Pepper and Garlic one again, liked both of them.

Now back to the instant gratification thing!  It needs to be more controlled in my house anyway, moms not walking the dog like she was and she's gained a few pound which means we both now need to eat a little less of the stuff that causes the damage! 

Easy solution - don't buy it!  Relying on willpower isn't the best form of defence, especially when our moods change constantly.  I'm just about to do my online shop and I won't be putting the usual junk in the basket, no cheese and onion crisps for mom thinking I'll be able to resist - I did for a week but caved again over the weekend.  Limited treats and I'll look for 'healthier' treats as we have enough health problems already in this house without adding weight gain and all the implications that go with that to the equation.

A meal plan is needed I think, even if only my evening meals, I need to remember to order the veggies too, I realised I've gone off crumpets so I won't be buying any of them, there's still some in the bread bin, if they're still okay to eat, I might offer them mom for her breakfast.  I'm going to have bacon, egg and tomatoes with the last slice of bread in there.

Can't decide between No Count or Counting so I think I'm going to switch between the two this week.  I'm going to make a cheese and onion pie today and use up the protein cheese in the fridge, ooo that with baked beans will be lush.   I've lost my cooking mojo lately with all the cleaning and sorting I've been doing so it's time to get that back.  Mmm yeah, need to make one of my curries, it's been a while and I think I've got all the ingredients, actually I might make it a beef one instead of chicken, will see what's in the fridge/freezer. 

Just found an old cooking booklet I put together a while ago, fancy Beef larb, oh and the Malaysian chicken, that's really lush, yeah let's have a tasty week.

Both recipes are on my website.

Right I'm off to start my day, gone a few errands to run, meal to cook, things to do, places to be and all that.  Let's make Monday matter - BeYOUtiful - we got this!

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