Sunday 14 May 2017

I will get moving eventually...

14th May 2017
The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

Morning world, it's a brand new day, when I woke it didn't look very promising, we've had a lot of rain in the night, but now the clouds are thinning out and I think the sun might appear at some point - that'd be nice.

I had lunch with my best V yesterday, instead of going out, we ate in, it saved us some money and we still got to have a good chin wag, plus meant mom got to have some chat too.  We walked Alfie together first and then enjoyed garlic chicken and minted chips, I'll have the chicken again but I'll keep the mint marinade for the meat and the chips can be good old fashioned regular ones, it's not a recommendation I'll be repeating.  I had toast for my brekkie and I'm not gonna lie, wine for my tea and a nice early night.

I've remembered my living room needs painting, but I'm not sure I'm up to that this weekend, if the sun comes out I can see me ending up in the garden, but first a bit of housework I reckon, keeping up with my domesticity, I like having a tidier house, not completely tidy, but a vast improvement.  I even caught myself picking up bits of rubbish out of my car yesterday morning at the meeting, I was like what the heck is going on here!   It's all very bizarre ;)

What to eat today?  When I have the last bag of chicken to try, I think it's Chinese so we'll cook that and probably have it with rice, depends what's in the fridge still.  I think I fancy a bacon and egg sarnie for my breakfast, I'll point today because I want the streaky bacon, it's really lean but it's still streaky.  I'm going to enjoy it in the kitchen at the table whilst reading one of the papers I bought yesterday, and enjoying my garden.  Yeah that's my morning plan, not a lot of anything, I won't do it until the kitchens all cleaned and tidy though, so then I'll enjoy it more.

I've just realised I'm gonna get nothing done today, I've just wasted 20 minutes on pinterest between the last paragraph and this one, I'm in one of those moods, I'm going to have me a go slow day, since the first paragraph the sky has cleared of clouds completely and the sun is shining.  So I'm gonna go and clear up the living room from yesterday, then the kitchen, ut me some nice smelling waxes in my warmers to make the house smell great, then make mom and me another cuppa, then some breakfast and all of it is going to be done very, very slowly.

Whatever speed you choose to move at today, enjoy.  

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