Saturday 8 April 2017

Woo Hoo to the weekend

8th April 2017
No matter how weak you feel, stay strong.
Yay, dog woke me up to go up the garden at 3am, bless his little heart, luckily we went to bed at 9 so at least I've had 6 hours because of course even though I went back to bed and tried, I couldn't go back to sleep!

Had a slow day yesterday, it was lovely, walked the dog and bumped into my sister, so we walked together and had a giggle, then my bestie popped in for a coffee after she'd dropped off everyone's Scentsy stuff - she forgot mine I might add!  Luckily for her we're having lunch today before she goes off on holiday, gonna miss her I am.  At least she's left me me her Scentsy wax samples to have a good sniff of whilst she's away and find me some new smells.  I've also got me a basket party going on, so if there's anything you do fancy you can have a look online, here's the link I loved the find your fragrance quiz on there, it got me right too, I'm a citrus girl apparently, shame I don't like eating them as much as I like smelling the scents.  If you're local and you want a smiff of the waxes, give me a shout and we'll arrange something.  If you want to order something, do it directly through me to avoid paying the postage on that link.

Looking forward to my weekend, starting with catching up with my members this morning, meeting my bestie and a couple of ex leaders for lunch, haven't seen them for ages but we were the original ladies that lunched the four of us.  Then I'm not sure what the rest of my weekend will look like, the weathers meant to be nice so it would be a shame to stay indoors.  I've just been looking at upcycling furniture, so toying with that idea but it doesn't look as easy as people make out, not if you do a decent job anyway, nor that cheap. 

I enjoyed simple foods yesterday, beans on toast for my tea, egg and crumpet and mushrooms for breakfast, can't even remember lunch - my memory is getting worse than moms, I knew there was a reason I took photos.  This is why I need to get back to tracking!  I will tomorrow, promise, not so much today because of lunch out but I am aware I need to get a grip!

At least I've got my shopping coming tomorrow and there's no junk in it, all good stuff, I just realised that I probably need to buy some fruit though!  Maybe going back to basics wouldn't be a bad thing, mmm what does that look like?

Reading this

Yeah there's an entire page on The importance of tracking I think that's the key isn't it, being aware of what I'm having is a great start, then I can start to tweak it and get more realistic with my food intake!

I like this

•  BE HONEST. Write it all down. (Don’t worry. No one else has to see it!)
•  BE ACCURATE — as often as possible. Measure and weigh when you can.
•  BE KIND to yourself. Tracking isn’t about being perfect. It’s about doing the best you can. So if you miss a day? No worries: Focus on small, simple things (like planning your next meal) and that’ll get you right back on track.

Right deal, that's my plan, I'll just have a piece of toast this morning as I'm off for lunch at 12, if I've got mushrooms I'll have a few mushrooms too - it's a veg ain't it, then I'll enjoy lunch and have a light tea later.  Lots of water too, I need to keep filling up that water bottle of mine too, yep let's get back to the healthy.

Here's to a happy day too.

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