Friday 7 April 2017

What ya scared of?

7th April 2017
You'll survive if the fire inside you burns brighter than the fire around you.

I got me a lie in, didn't get up till 6am, I had a meeting in Stafford this morning but it's been cancelled, I won't lie, I'm relieved as I was shattered and the thought of getting up before 5 and rushing wasn't thrilling me.  Mom's not good still and we went to get her blood tests done yesterday between my meetings, I've got to take her back in a week to see what they can tell us.

Don't get me wrong I'd have survived today even if it had been crazy busy, but I'm at that stage in my life right now when I want to slow down, mom and me are enjoying the time we have together but some days I'm that busy, despite being in the same house we hardly see each other.  I'm guessing that goes for most couples too these days, everyone is so busy!  I've made a conscious decision to take back some of my time, I don't want to be that busy all the time, I'm only on this planet once, I don't want to have spent it rushed!

I now intend to have a slow start to my day, actually sit and focus on my breakfast rather than wallop it down like I did yesterday and it didn't even touch the sides really. 

Last night there were a few tears in my meeting as one of my BeYOUtiful members shared her story of how for years she only ate 5 different foods, including chip sandwiches as one of them because of an issue she'd had as a young girl, these 5 foods were her 'safe foods', she'd joined my meeting years ago to help her learn to 'eat properly' was how she said it, she didn't want her issues to affect her grandchildren and knew she had to do something (my eyes are starting to water again as I remember my part in her journey and remind myself of how far she has come).  We worked together and each week I'd bring her samples of new foods to try as she lost weight whilst learning to eat correctly and eventually got to goal and got herself the healthiest relationship with food.  Turned out, I introduced her to too many foods and she became a real foodie like me who will now try anything, hence we're both a little over our goals, but you know what, we're both healthy and happy and loving our lives.  Her grandchildren see a nanny who eats good healthy food every day and so do they.  Weight Watchers isn't just about the numbers on the scales!

I've just started my day looking at Pinterest and I've found some about fear being your only competition and it's so true, I have so many members who think they can't do it and the truth is they can but they don't believe in themselves, they get scared and imagine all the things that will hold them back, so here goes let's challenge and overcome that fear;

Do something - anything, remember fear feeds on inaction!  START!  Just make a decision, left go of any beliefs you may have that you don't have a choice, fear feeds on indecision. 

What's the worst thing that can happen, work that out for yourself and then decide what you'd do if that did happen!  With a weight loss journey the worst that can happen usually is a weight gain and most of us have plenty of practice at that, fear feeds on the unknown so you have no need to fear that in this case because we

already know the outcome of not sticking to the plan, okay we may not know the extent of the gain but hey it's just numbers.

Instead of thinking about the worth thing, imagine the very best outcome, and how you'll feel when that happens - fear feeds on feelings of unworthiness so don't give it the opportunity!

Anything is possible, keep saying that, it sounds so much better than "It's impossible"
Fear feeds on feelings of impossibility. I'm possible sounds so much better doesn't it!

Say 'I can' and 'Why not?' instead of 'I can't", fear feeds on negativity - put your positive pants on BeYOUtiful.

Look for truth instead of hiding from facts - fear feeds on lies.  "I can't do it" is NOT a truth!

Stop holding your breathe - breathe, take in some air, fear feeds on suffocation. 

Embrace your mistakes instead of wishing you didn't make any or pretending they didn't happen - fear feeds on perfectionism.  Perfect sucks and it's boring!

Take one step in the right direction today, instead of waiting to run a marathon from Monday - fear feeds on waiting for the right time. 


Have a lovely Friday, the suns just come out BeYOUtiful, here's a virtual hug xx

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