Monday 17 April 2017

My YES moment with WW was...

17th April 2017
Change - don't focus on what you have to give up, focus on what you have to gain.

What was your first YES moment with Weight Watchers?
What's your most recent YES moment with Weight Watchers?
What's your most important YES moment with Weight Watchers?

On the WW UK facebook page they've posted;

Slipping into that pair of skinny jeans. Your wedding ring being the perfect fit again. Completing your first 5K. We are looking to find the YES moment of your weight loss journey. The moment you realised you were achieving what you set out to achieve.
We’d love to hear yours, so if you want to share it, send your name, contact details, start weight and goal weight, some high resolution before and after images and of course your YES moment to We’d love to hear from you to potentially be part of our May campaign!

Why not send yours, I know lots of amazing members who deserve to be recognised. All the YES moments I can think about were a long time ago, or short term, all except this one;

My YES moment with WW was realising it was okay to be me because like everyone else, I'm BeYOUtiful!

That one realisation had the greatest impact on my life, I have fat, it's not who I am! It doesn't define me as a person, it has an impact on my life obviously, but it doesn't make me who I am. Being slim didn't make me a better person, it actually didn't make me a happy person either. Getting healthy helped massively though, healthy in mind and healthy in body made me realise I'm BeYOUtiful and I should take care of myself.

Learning to love myself was one of the longest journey's I've been on, but I got there in the end and said YES, I'm good enough!

People see a weight loss journey as 'hard' because it involves change, nothing worth having comes easy though does it. Weirdly for me, success came when I stopped trying to change and embraced the me I am. Separating the weight from the person, losing weight wasn't going to make me a different/better/happier person, realising who I was and what I wanted to be would.

Weight Watchers gave me the confidence to follow my dreams and be brave enough to train to become a WW leader (now coach), the meetings helped me let down my barriers and let people in, I've met so many people, the best kind of people, some have become extremely precious to me, I can't imagine my life without them in it.

I now know how to eat well, I have awesome friends, the best job in the world and when I look in the mirror I say YES, you're BeYOUtiful and loved. Thank you Weight Watchers for helping me get to this person I was meant to be.  

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