Tuesday 18 April 2017

Have you got the power?

18th April 2017
No one can be pretty all the time, but you are always BeYOUtiful
One bedroom painted and a lovely bank holiday weekend had, mornings were spent being productive, afternoons chilling with mom = perfect.   Now back to work and my lovely members, there's a cracking good offer on this week too, 50% off our 3 month plans - bargain.

I'm up for harnessing the power within after seeing a post on Pinterest yesterday, this is what it said;

The power of Vision
If you are going to succeed at anything in life you MUST know your outcome. 

(mmm what do you want to succeed at, if it's weight loss what outcome are you looking for)

The power of Focus
Always focus on what you WANT instead of what you don't want.

(yep instead of thinking 'I don't want to be fat anymore' start thinking about what you do want to be and focus on that.)

The power of Belief
When you change your internal beliefs to align with your VISION you will multiply your POWER. 

(Hell yeah, believe in yourself, you can do anything you put your mind too!)

The power of your Body
You absolutely MUST keep your vessel in good working order.

(yep you can't pour from an empty jug, take care of that body of yours)

The power of Choice
It's the moment-to-moment choices that are creating your reality.  Make choices that CONNECT to your vision.

(If you want to be in a bikini this summer and have a number on the scales in mind, is it wise to choose the cake over the carrots!)

The power of Words
The words you use when you talk to yourself and others have an enormous IMPACT on your life. 

(How many times do you berate yourself for your behaviour - does it help? If you wouldn't say those words to a small child then you shouldn't be saying it to yourself!  Start being kind to yourself, it will get better results, we don't take care of anything we don't love)

The power of Authenticity
Tapping into the truest part of yourself is like putting your inner SUPERHERO in change.

(Be yourself, you are BeYOUtiful!)

The power of Mindset
Having a GROWTH mindset creates massive opportunity out of every MISTAKE.

(no matter how many times you trip, always focus on getting back to the healthy, that's my plan today after my creme egg last night and a few too many Smart Points this week!)

The power of Action
You are only as POWERFUL as the action you are willing to take.  Put your DREAMS in charge, not your FEARS.

(this is so true, we've got to actually do it, not just think about it!

The power of Mastery
Learn a skill inside, outside, backwards, and forwards until you can EXECUTE without effort!

(for me this is the one I wonder if I'll ever master, I know how to be healthy, I've got happy sussed most of the time too, but sometimes the two get muddled and I overeat because I like food, so whether I'll ever completely have my weight under control is a huge question.  It constantly fluctuates like my attitude towards it, depending where I am in my world.  One thing I have mastered though is the art of loving who I am and what I've got, we're all BeYOUtiful, focus on that and you're more likely to want to take care of YOU, a work of art, a masterpiece.

Have a great day xx

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