Friday 11 March 2016

Would you be happy for your kid to be just like you?

11th March 2016
When you walk into a room full of people, instead of wandering if they'll like you, ask yourself will you like them!

Morning folks, I've had me a lie in, it's done my cold the world of good and I'm ready for my day, it's not a hectic one which will help, just got to go and get weighed at my weigh in, yep Weight Watchers as a member for me this morning, followed by lunch and a catch up with my bestie.  I will lose weight but I won't change my life to do it, I'll tweak it but not change. 

Loved my meetings yesterday, lots of those moments where we were reminded why we joined, one moment that took me back to my childhood (a place I don't visit too often) and just a reminder of how important it is for all you grown-ups out there to live your best life, love yourself as you are and set an example to your amazing children. 

Be the kind of person you want to see more of in this world.  If you're looking in the mirror and putting yourself down, that'll be picked up by the little folk in your house and there's a danger they may replicate your behaviour.  If you're running round after everyone and ignoring your own needs, the younger version of yourself might think that's okay, that it's expected for them to be the dogsbody, the do-er of everything and that their needs aren't important.  We don't want for the young ladies in our house - do we?

If we focus on health and happiness, rather than skinny and pretty, surely that's going to make our young ones see that they are already BeYOUtiful, they don't have to be anyone other than themselves.  Every child in this world is incredible, tell them so, also remember you too were one of those incredible children once, and now you're an incredible adult, you just fail to acknowledge that sometimes!

Live a life you'd be happy for your child to live....Don't settle for less.

I'm going to leave it there this morning, let you ponder.

Enjoy your day and remember you are BeYOUtiful. Xx

Here's a Smart Point recipe for you absolutely bursting with goodness

Rice Salad
Serves 6 (total 53sp - 9sp per serving)

200g brown rice (19sp)
3 spring onions
1 red pepper
50g cashew nuts (9sp)
50g raisins (8sp)
2 tablespoons parsley
6 tablespoons soy sauce dressing (17sp)

Soy Sauce Dressing (56sp - makes approx 20 tablespoons of sauce, use 6tbsp for salad)

1 clove of garlic
1/2 inch root ginger
175ml olive oil (54sp!) (12tbsp)
4 tablespoons soy sauce (2sp)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook the rice in boiling water following the packet instructions.  Drain and cool.
Chop the onions, pepper and cashew nuts into small pieces. 

To make the dressing, crush the garlic and grate the ginger and put in to a jar with the other dressing ingredients.

Screw the lid on tightly and shake well.

Mix the rice, onions, pepper, raisins, nuts, chopped parsley in a bowl. 

Stir in the dressing and enjoy with salad leaves.

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