Thursday 10 March 2016


10th March 2016
Be the kind of person you want to meet.
All hail Night Nurse, sneezed all day yesterday, went to bed full of a head cold but thanks to night nurse managed a decent night's sleep, still full of cold but I can function.  I have a feeling today will be full of lots of mugs of tea, I might even take my own mug and teabags to the meeting this morning to make sure it's a decent mug of tea! 

I need to make it through today, I want that weight loss tomorrow, I'm now all out of weeklies, I think I may have used a couple of weeklies, can't tell on app but by the end of total, I'll have earned about 50 Fit Points, so everything is crossed!

Got lunch in the fridge ready, it's a chicken ready meal thing that was part of a meal deal, I've also got some soup I made yesterday after we finished messing about having a giggle with oxo cubes (long story see my Facebook page if you don't already know it!  Everything's public on my fb page, I have no secrets and I'll be anybodies friend ;) )

I'm feeling a bacon sarnie for breakfast I think, got me some left in the fridge, that'll put a smile on my face I'm sure.  I've been eating fruit too, I know I'm focused when I do that as I'm not really fussed about fruit and not much of a fan but I know it's good for me, I'd rather have veggies.  I had an Ostrich sandwich for my tea last night, bought it in Lidls, not bad at all, I've tried Ostrich before in a pub and wasn't struck but they'd just overcooked it I think, I did these steaks on my George Foreman for 4-5 minutes and they were alright.  Not sure I'd bother again too soon, but it's something for a change.  2sp per 100g, low in saturated fats I noticed.

So I reckon if I have those planned meals, my usual busy Thursday and an early night to help shift this head cold, I should get a weight loss tomorrow, I'm 2lb off my 5% weight loss since January, 7lb so far, as long as it's coming off.  I'll take 1/2lb a week me, just keep  the numbers going down.

One of my members last night proved if you enjoy the journey, eat and drink the things you enjoy, track them honestly and throw in a little exercise you can get to where you want to be, Diana has lost 60lb doing that and I was very proud to hand her that Gold Pack last night, just an amazing success and she's now both healthy and happy.

On that note, I'll say have a fabulous day, make sure you take at least a few moments for you.

Here's today's Smart Pointed recipe;

Easy Jamaican Jerk Chicken
Serves 4, 3sp per serving
 4 skinless chicken breasts cut in to strips (6sp)
1 ½ tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon Jamaican Jerk seasoning mix (1sp)
2 tablespoon light soy sauce (1sp)
1 tablespoon honey (4sp)
Salad leaves to serve

1.    Place chicken in a shallow dish.
2.    Mix all the remaining ingredients together in a bowl, and pour over chicken.
3.    Leave to marinate for 30 minutes (or longer if preferred).
4.    Chicken can be roasted in the oven for 20 minutes or fried in a non stick pan, turning occasionally for 20 minutes. If using drumsticks they can be grilled under a moderate grill turning frequently for 25 minutes and covering in marinate each time you turn.
5.    Serve with some salad leaves!

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