Monday 2 November 2015


Monday 2nd November 2015
Saying NO means you know your limits.

So I say NOvember written on Facebook yesterday and I really like that, rather than giving something up completely, which can be really difficult, I prefer the idea of saying NO a little more and resisting temptation, that way whatever kind of November you have instore, you can still take part.  Yep, success is about persistence not perfection, so that's the plan and hopefully it'll work!

I really enjoyed my Sunday roast chicken dinner yesterday especially as I'd been out and about running errands for over 4 hours on the morning, it wouldn't been so easy to change my mind and grab something easier, I couldn't grab a sandwich because I didn't buy any bread, if I can't resist it, I'll stop buying it!

Today I'm going to make bubble and squeak for breakfast a bit later, then I will use the leftover chicken for lunch and I've got the ingredients to make a Waldorf Salad, nom nom, I won't make a lot because I'll eat it!
Oh I nearly forgot, I used my new soup maker yesterday for the first time, I don't know what I was expecting but it's like a big kettle, I had planned on buying a butternut squash but in Sainsbury's the whole squash were £1.50kg and so was this diced butternut squash soup mix with red onion and chilli, I added a couple of stock cubes and water and left it for 20 minutes on smooth setting.  I was impressed, I'll add less water next time so it's not quite so runny, but yep so much less hassle than boiling a pan full and then whizzing it in my food processor.  Might use the 2 courgettes in my fridge today and do another one, as they're not quite fresh enough to eat, as it says in my instruction booklet "did you know in the UK we waste up to 8.3 million tonnes of food every year, most of which could have been eaten. Whether its forgotten chicken from Sunday lunch or a lonely tomato tucked away at the back of the fridge, you can always rustle-up a fantastic homemade soup recipe using the leftover food that would normally go to waste." 

There's a courgette, pea and mint soup recipe on WW website, I think I'll add some garlic too and maybe a handful of spring onions, I haven't got any mint, unless there's some in my garden but I'm not sure.   A sprinkle of Parmesan on before serving will finish it off nicely. 

So I've been putting it off but I've got to come clean, the scales sucked for me this morning, I put 2lb on, so now I've got 15lb to lose, on a positive though, I'm still 3lb lighter than I was 4 weeks ago!  As it's no excuses November I won't through the "I'm due on" excuse, nor the "I'm retaining water", the real truth is, I haven't tracked a bean since this time last week, I've overeaten, there has been chocolate and cake involved and if I'd have gotten a weight loss today, there would've been miracles involved, or lies!

My line is drawn, I'm back in the right head space, I've got 2 meals sorted, oh and a third actually, I bought a piece of cod yesterday, I'm going to put it in the oven with a pesto topping, will probably have it with rice or grains of some sort.  Yeah back on track, my sweet tooth seems to have subsided thankfully!  And this time next week, I'll be getting a weight loss, that's the plan.  The soup maker is going to be earning it's keep! 

Are you ready for your weight loss week BeYOUtiful?

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