Tuesday 3 November 2015

A day of love and kindness

Tuesday 3rd November 2105
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

Well we had a lovely day yesterday, thanks to Rob & Annette Bakers generosity, they run MES Photography and very kindly offered to take photos of mom and myself so that we had wonderful memories as a keepsake.  They've been watching moms videos via my facebook page and they've enjoyed them so much, they wanted to find a way to say thank you and this was just a wonderful gesture.  It's what I can a true random act of kindness...

Mom felt so comfortable, she chatted away to Rob and his daughter, they even let Alfie wander around, so by the time it came to take the photos we were all very relaxed. 

Before going mom has started to get  in a bit of a flap about not having anything to wear but as I told her I didn't want photos of us dressed up, I want the mom I know and recognise, the one who put her looks and image aside to give us all the best childhood she could. I want the BeYOUtiful lady staring out of those photos that I see every day, her face not her body, because whether she was 18 stone or 11 stone, she's always been my very BeYOUtiful, incredibly strong, funny mom and that's what the photos will show and they do, I'm so pleased with how well he captured moms cheekiness ;)  If you'd like to have a nosey here's the link;

And if you'd like something similar doing, then I highly recommend http://www.mesphotography.co.uk/, they're on Facebook too MES-Photography I noticed that they were doing a Christmas offer - Five 10x8 prints and a CD/DVD with over 20 adjusted pictures on it. All this for £60 Not bad (oh and they didn't mention me advertising them, I just think they were great)

So that experience consumed most of our day, I did manage to stay on track though, had cod and pesto for main meal with quinoa and brown rice , then I made my waldorf salad, used grapes instead of raisins to save points!  I also made soup again, I used the courgettes, threw in a potato and I had a black garlic that I used, so it looks like black soup but it tasted good!

What flavour to make today... I'm fancying pea and ham, if I have any frozen peas.  I've got some giant onions that Rob gave me yesterday so I could make onion soup, I'll have a mooch at what's in the kitchen.

But for now I've got my overnight oats to look forward too, banana and honey mmm, I can't believe I remembered to put them in the fridge, I forgot to blow the big smelly candle out though, so I think I need to RE BAN them from my house, my memory is just not good enough and although it's okay and didn't do any damage being left burning all night in the living room, it could have done!

I think I'll make this soup;

Potato and Onion Soup
1/2 medium Onion(s), about 60g, chopped   
5 spray(s) Calorie controlled cooking spray   
300 g Potato(es), Raw, peeled, chopped   
2 clove(s) Garlic, crushed   
1000 ml Fresh Vegetable Stock, vegetable or chicken stock (made with powder or a cube)   
1 pinch Salt, and black pepper, freshly ground   

Put the onion into a medium saucepan sprayed with low fat cooking spray and heat until sizzling. Cover and turn the heat down and cook for 5 minutes until softened. Then stir in the potato, garlic and stock.Bring to the boil, season to taste then simmer gently , uncovered, for 20-25 minutes until the potato is tender and starts to break up. The soup can be cooled and chilled ahead at this stage. It can also be blended until smooth in a liquidiser if you want a creamy texture. Otherwise leave it chunky.

Here's to a cracking day, it's still dark out there but I can see the buildings so thinking that fog has lifted!  Also remember whilst you're making those memories with your loved ones, record them too, whether with a professional photographer, your phone or a diary, keep memories, you'll be glad you did x

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