Saturday 21 November 2015

Life is full of smile moments, you just gotta look for them.

21st November 2015
Keep smiling because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
So it snowed in the night in case you haven't looked out the window yet!  Me and snow don't go together well, I'm not really a fan, yes it looks pretty when it's falling and white over but then it's stops being nice when people can't get around and my meeting room is empty!  No not a fan, so I'm hoping the rain washes it away quickly.

However there is still so much for me to smile about, had to take my mom to the emergency dentist yesterday as her crown had fallen out and as always they were lovely and he's going to make her another one, got to go back in a couple of weeks.  We celebrated by going for cake at Bantock House cafe, well mom ate cake - I watched!   I love to see her happy and enjoying getting out the house, it really makes my day, brings a smile to my face.  We never really got to do stuff like that when I was a kid mostly because we couldn't afford it, I was the luckiest of the family as I was the youngest so finances started to get better as my siblings got jobs, but yeah it's great to be able to walk into a coffee shop and say to her "have anything you want" and not have to worry that I've got enough money, love my credit card I do!  Never get in debt with it these days though - been there done that!

My really big smile came after my massage, that's always a fab 90 minutes every week, now and then she does her psychic sally on me and says something that she can't have known because I haven't told her - she did that yesterday, proper impressive that is, but I'm going off on a tangent, that wasn't what I was talking about, although her bringing it up meant we chatted about it and it helped, so that's another smile moment. Well when I came out to pay she told me, it had already been paid for, someone had treated me because I deserved it.  How lovely was that, I was proper chuffed, I've since found out who it was and it was a truly wonderful gesture, totally unexpected, completely unnecessary, but truly appreciated.  It was an act of kindness and definitely a pay it forward moment, that I'm going to continue. 

The money I saved will go with my I'm not buying Christmas cards money and I'll go and spend it on Sanitary products for the Helping Handbag appeal or the food banks.  Because the only thing I can imagine worse than being skint and hungry, is being homeless too!

The final smile moment came from an inbox message from one of my members telling me they hadn't got cancer!  That's always a good message to receive and I was so relieved, I can't imagine how they must have felt.

So that was what made me smile yesterday, then of course there was the fact I managed to track all day and not go 'off track', it may only be 2 days of tracking, but it's better than the week before when I didn't track at all.  I enjoyed a nice piece of salmon for lunch, and made a lovely ham with roast veggies for tea, the ham was reduced from £5 to £1.29 - bargain, I cubed my butternut squash and sliced peppers, then roasted them whilst the ham cooked, it was proper tasty.  I also got a couple of veg soup mix bags reduced to 29p, they're in the freezer ready for next week now, gotta love a bargain, especially a healthy one. 

Anyways I better go get showered and ready for my meeting, think I'm scraping the car this morning - boo!  Here's to a wonderful weekend or snuggling up in the house and reading I reckon, but staying on track at the same time #halfstonebyxmaseve!

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