Sunday 22 November 2015

21,158lb, what a bunch of losers - love them all!

22nd November 2015
Don't count the days - makes the days count.
I fell asleep watching Adele at the BBC last night, so I've just watched the second half in bed, isn't she just stunning and a truly BeYOUtiful soul.  She not only sounds amazing but looks it too, her loveliness just shines out. 

I absolutely love and respect that's she's never changed who she is, her personality or appearance, we see so many singers transformed and moulded into what the music industry says they should look like, but not our Adele, I've just typed her name into Pinterest and one quote that's attributed to her, which I respect is, "I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn't." Adele.  Love her!

We all have to make our own decisions when it comes to what weight we should be, I'm always aware of the health factor, but unlike Adele, I don't want to wait until it affects my health, as sometimes then the damage is done, my mom lost weight eventually but the damage to her stomach was already done and can only be controlled as best as possible now.  The same for things like heart disease and diabetes, they creep up on you don't they, you don't know you're weights affecting you in these ways until it's too late I guess. Mmm food for thought for me there as I won't lie, not having the 'appearance' thing as my motivation, I need something to give me that wantivation.  I know getting heartburn stops me eating those foods that cause it, and that's why when I shop I buy the best kinds of foods I can probably 90% of the time, then the other 10% is spent on the goodies or not so healthy stuff.

It's just 32 sleeps till Christmas, that's soon come round, and I'm going to use the next week to get me closer to my half stone loss before Christmas Eve, that's what me and my members decided we wanted to achieve.  Over 400lb lost at the scales again this week, taking our total over 1,500 stones, BOOM!  They're cooking on gas they really are, and best of all they're enjoying the journey, which is even more important.

I've loved the nom nom treats they've told me they enjoy this week and hot chocolate seems to be a fav at the moment,

Charlene posted this last night;
1pp milk, 1pp cream, 1pp of bailey and a teaspoon of choc shot 0pp
That does look good doesn't it, and a heck of a lot lower than the ones they're selling in the likes of Starbucks.  My Thursday night girls add a few marshmallows to theirs, my mom likes sprinkles on the top of her squirty cream ;)

The forecast today is cold, so I'm thinking an afternoon movie with a hot chocolate sounds like a great idea, I might even make find out a Christmas one!  Although I've just spotted Gremlins in my sky movies, I think after our meetings this week, that's what I'll opt for, we've all decided to silence our Gremlins this week, I'm looking forward to silencing mine for sure and with the commitment to track I know we can all do it.

Here's to a great week, every time you make a healthy choice, you're a step closer you your own personal goal.  Have a great day. x

One last thing, can I ask you all to follow this link and vote for my Friends son. Go on, it won't take very long to do. xx  

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