Sunday 25 October 2015

Simply begin...

Sunday 25th October 2015
Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods.
A couple of days of not counting my points, not eating badly just not being aware so much of the numbers, so note to self, behave!

I have had a lovely couple of days though, Friday was all about me and yesterday was about spending time with people I love and enjoying every moment and I did.  Today well, as my image above says "The best way to get things done is to simply begin" and that's the plan today, I'm procrastinating on my housework.  My mindful meditation today was the start of a 10 day series on 'acceptance', yesterday I finished a 10 day one on 'happiness', so today he asked what is it that I'm resisting.

I'm loving these moments I'm taking out to my day to contemplate things, he talked about reflection, being open to the thoughts and feelings that come and not just to answer the question as soon as possible.  So when he asked me to reflect on "what people and things it is in my life that I'm resisting at this time", I was rather surprised at some of the thoughts and feelings that came to me over the 20 minutes I was sat there.

I can't recommend this Headspace thing enough, it's really giving me food for thought and helping me with everything that's going on in my life at this time,

There's an assumption that acceptance is an inherent part of being human, an inherent part of the mind, and it's only when we resist things in life, resist people in life, that it obscures or somehow blocks that feeling of acceptance, it might be that we resist our thoughts, our emotions, it might be that we resist physical sensations, perhaps pain or discomfort, it could be that we resist people in our lives, or places, situations, so many different opportunities for resisting things in life and he said that  every time we do resist something we move one step away from acceptance.   

So I spent my 20 minutes having a few realisations as I reflected on those people and things in my life that I'm resisting right now!  Interesting stuff, quite enlightening for me anyway.

So today, I'm gonna stop resisting the sorting and tidying of the house!  I know that's not quite what he meant but strangely enough I do have my reasons for resisting doing it!

I'm aware I'm waffling but some things in my head, I don't want to share, especially when I've only just realised it myself, so instead I'll tell ya mom and I have just watched the most incredible sunrise together, truly stunning, just one of many things in life, you'll never get back, not two sunrises are the same.

Right, I'm going to tidy, sort and clean the entire downstairs of my house today - this will scare mom when she reads it :), but it has to be done.  I will work my way upstairs, maybe not today but when I have time. 

I'm going to do F&H today I think, fancy comfort food, wonder if I have beef in the freezer, if not I'll find something to get out and defrost, funnily food is something I never have trouble resisting!  But staying on track and getting this stone off is something I resist quite often!  On that note, I'm off to make a start, bit of paperwork first, another cuppa for me and mom, then I'm going into housework mode - bring it on!

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