Saturday 24 October 2015

If it's good enough for Oprah!

24th October 2015
Learn to appreciate the things you have before time forces you to appreciate the things you once had.
Well I really was on a go slow yesterday, it took me forever to get going and until noon to finish my paperwork, I didn't speed up after that either.  I nipped to the shop to get a loaf, ended up with new bedding!  Then had an hour to kill before massage so sat in the car park of local fruit farm and ate some ham and bread with a bit of Waldorf salad because it was reduced, I'd forgot how much I like it and will be making my own lower fat version this weekend. 

It was lovely just sitting and focusing on the food, letting my head empty of all the noise that goes on inside there, day in, day out.   

Yep I enjoyed zoning out and slowing down, then on the night mom and I chilled in front of the tv, I chatted via Facebook messenger with my bestie and another friend and it's great when you're on the same crazy wavelength as others, the chat just flows and to others it probably wouldn't even make sense.  But for us, it was therapy via messenger and cheaper than the real kind!

So to make Waldorf salad from googling it really does vary on opinion, but the one I had yesterday and enjoyed was just apple, celery, walnuts, sultanas and mayo.  Really tasty, I could add chicken and make a full meal of it.  Sorted and on the menu.

I'm fancying pasta today, got some of that stuffed kind in the fridge, that'll be an easy lunch.  I wasn't keen on the roasted pepper and tomato soup I made, mom ate it, but I couldn't.  I'll keep trying to find soups I enjoy, haven't invested in the soup maker yet, no point if I ain't gonna eat what I make!

Watched Oprah talk about Weight Watchers on this link this morning  and it made me feel better knowing that she's also having to stick within her allowance!  She's also lost 15lb since August, which is great news.  She talks about WW giving her the tools she needs, and that's exactly what it does, in meetings this week we've talked about how the support is always the constant with Weight Watchers, and for me that's what makes it work.  Over the years I've followed most of their plans, from Discover 123, to Pure Points, to now.  I have an original diet sheet somewhere in my office from when it came to the UK back on the 70's and you had to eat liver twice a week!  It also has "don't dig your own grave with your own fork" written on it!  Thankfully that one was before my time, but I do remember having to drink a glass of hot lemon every morning on one plan.

Oh memories, I do love them, my sister commented on a facebook post yesterday, "She is Last Christmas Special!" and I instantly went back to approx 1995 when we used to go to Weight Watchers at Aldersley, my sister, mom and I and it must have been around Christmas time because every time Wham's Last Christmas came on the radio we'd laugh as we sang, "give it to someone SPECIAL" You had to be there, but it just reminded me, Weight Watchers has been a part of my life for a very long time, and I've met so many wonderful people through it, and for that I'm truly grateful and blessed. 

It also helped get my mom from 18 stone to her healthy goal that she is now, coming up to 11 years at goal!  I can't imagine what her health would be like if she hadn't lost that weight.

Anyway, I can't sit here reminiscing and chatting all morning, I've got members to weigh because Weight Watchers is still very much a part of my life, more so than ever as it's also my job and I love going to work. 

Here's to staying on track over the weekend, if Oprah can do it, so can we BeYOUtiful. xx

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