Sunday 27 September 2015

Bulbs make ya back ache!

27th September 2015
Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Good morning world, it's looking like it's going to be another lovely day, wasn't yesterday fab!  Mine started with my super Saturday gang, our final MacMillan coffee morning, which was a huge success, the total raised over the week was £461.02, thanks to everyone who donated, thanks to Jane for donating her 'Spot the Cake' prize money, absolutely brilliant week, so together with the £90 raised by the leaders at my area meeting, I shall be banking a grand total of £551.02, that's just incredible isn't it.  The leaders on my area alone have raised £3665.82 so far, so I know the rest of the Weight Watchers in UK will have done Macmillan proud, just goes to show, when people get together and support each other, great things happen. 

I also had almost £90 donated by a lovely lady named Val, she gave me her money box contents, I'm going to bag that up this morning, that's going to my Alzheimer's collection along with the £22 donated by Jayne's money box.  Aren't people lovely.

So once I'd finished with the cake, I stopped at Lidl's on the way home to buy all their cyclamen plants for my garden, to put over my bulbs, after an hour of potting up, I realised I'd bought way too many bulbs and nowhere near enough pansy's and cyclamen to cover them, so a drive to the garden centre was needed.  I got mom and Alfie to come along for the ride, despite there being too many Macmillan leftovers in my kitchen, mom decided to have afternoon tea outside whilst I shopped for more cyclamen and grow bags!  We can both highly recommended Pipers on the A5 by Gailey island (Watling St, ST19 5PR), they're great value for money, fab plants, my hanging baskets were incredible this summer, and mom says they do a mean latte and cherry scone! 

So the afternoon was spent, potting more bulbs and plants, my ladders now have white cyclamen in for the autumn, and I still have bulbs left!  I had to stop around half five though, I was truly shattered!

The truth is I bought too many bulbs!  Although I may put some of the ones that are left in the ground up the back, rather than pots and hanging baskets, I need to have a think this morning whilst I have a posh coffee sitting enjoying the planting I've already done.

Today I getting back to 100% tracking, that really hasn't been easy this week, too much cake in my meetings, I'm actually going to throw away the leftover savoury tart in the kitchen, yes I know it cost money, but let's be honest even if there was a tenners worth (which there isn't) but if I ate what is there, I'd be guaranteed at least a 2lb weight gain, I'd happily spend £10 to lose 2lb!  So I'm recognising my stomach is not the "waist bin", the waste bin is up the corner in the kitchen!  Mom can work her way through the cake, I can live without that, although there are some lemon cakes I'm going to have to resist and get her to hide. 

Got me some nice food to look forward to today, I really need some vegetables in my life, a big plate of greens mmm.  Might have eggs and spinach for breakfast too, mmm wished I could make Eggs Benedict, I could just eat that, they serve it in Wetherspoons apparently!  But I ain't spend 15pp on breakfast!

Right I'm off to start my day, bit of paperwork, then the rest of the day WW free, apart from my Facebook group of course ;)

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