Saturday 26 September 2015

A wonderful life

26th September 2015
Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life NOT food!   People who touch your heart and nourish your soul.

So yesterday was 13 weeks till Christmas, that's crazy, where has this year gone!  It's been a year I'm enjoying I have to say, I'm content and have the life I wanted, I had a chat with my massage lady yesterday that reinforced that realisation.  I really do love my simple, easy going life and I struggle with my life because I absolutely adore good food and wine, that's never going to change and I'm happy to have that struggle, it ain't a bad problem to have compared to others.

I had a lovely day yesterday, once I'd done my paperwork, I fetched my new reading glasses, (ooo hold on I should be wearing them, back in a minute) that's better, then I actually went to get weighed at a meeting! Yeah I think Friday morning is going to be my new meeting for me, my bestie is going to come with me, we can't go next Friday as we're at a training day but after that, I reckon we need to pull out necks in and be accountable to someone else, so I'll be stepping on the scales every week and I've warned my leader, I'm going to be a challenge!

After that, I did my supermarket shop, I love food shopping, I really do, for me it's as relaxing as meditation, so I wondered round there for an hour, came home had a cuppa with mom then went for my massage.  So a really chilled out afternoon, finished off with some baking for today's MacMillan coffee morning, my last of the year, and probably the reason, I won't lose weight next week! 

A lovely chilled out day was of course finished off with an early night, perfect Friday.  Now for a not so chilled out weekend, I'm hoping this morning with be a busy one and a success to raise more money for Macmillan's, including the money we raised at my area meeting last Saturday I have £417 to bank already, so hopefully we'll take that total a lot closer to £500, whatever we end up with, it's awesome.

I also have hundreds of bulbs to get planted up, I think I want some cyclamen too, to make those pair spaces pretty for a while, so will need a drive to the garden centre.  Could go straight from meeting I guess rather than come home, then I won't have to go out again over the weekend, just park the car up and stay home, mmm tempting.

Ooo I gotta tell ya, my screen isn't so harsh with these glasses, I like them, even if mom did say, "you ay gonna wear them are ya" when I showed them to her ;) good job I'm not sensitive isn't it!

Anyway I need to go get ready for my meeting, looking forward to my last bit of cake for a very long time, I don't know about you but I want to be lighter by Christmas than I am now, Lynne if you're reading that, we're doing this lady!

Here's to a fabulous weekend BeYOUtiful, healthy and happy all the way.

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