Sunday 2 August 2015

#WWS7Sept Challenge - Doing it!

2nd August 2015
You mind is a powerful thing, when you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.
Well I listened to my body yesterday and once I'd done my meeting I chilled out for the rest of the day, and had me a good sleep last night, not long been up and plan to do the same again today, give my body the rest it obviously wants to recharge and get full well again.

I made it through yesterday, so let's start day 5 of on track and doing this, Silver 7 by September is my challenge and I'm going to do it!  I'm feeling positive, if I can stay focused whilst feeling rough, knowing food would comfort me then I'm on it! 

I'm thinking an omelette for breakfast, then I have no idea where to go for the rest of the day, will look what's on offer and keep it simple for sure.  I will definitely be topping up on plenty of vitamin C, got my oranges, think I might have run out of Kiwi fruit but as long as there's goodness going in, the badness will be going out!

OH ma'an!  I've just seen 21 weigh-ins till Christmas posted on Facebook, I'm not sure I wanted to see that to be honest, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with a bit of forward thinking and planning, so if you were to actually take that information on board, what does it mean for you?  1lb a week would be a good stone and a half off your now weight, 2lb a week would be 3 stone, or even at 1/2lb a week (which is my preference after my first silver 7) it's still aiming towards a stone.

One of the conversations in my meetings this week was one lady telling another "yes you may not be where you wanted to be by now, and you may have gained a little of what you originally lost but imagine where you could've been had you given up!  Or even if you hadn't started at all, how much weight could you have gained had you not even started!"

Yes, she had a very good point, see my members are all supporting each other and I love that we have this community where we're all building each other up and not trying to knock each other down.  And thanks to this support another 3 achieved their goal this week, there was also a few 5 and 10%, one being Sue yesterday who's the first to admit it hasn't been quick, she has a really busy life, works away from home a great deal and part of her work involves entertaining people so you can't really do that whilst eating lettuce can you!  However despite all the obstacles, she did it, and next week I look forward to handing her that 25lb certificate as that's only 1/2lb off now!

I do love to see my members have that "click" moment, when it suddenly makes sense and it all falls into place, I actually think I may have had that moment myself this week, it's taken a good 18 months to get back, I won't lie.  10 years I maintained my goal then life got in the way a little, and I lost my way quite a lot, so now I've got a good stone to lose, and I plan on doing half of that by September, I can and I will - NO MORE EXCUSES, no more I can't be botheredness, just plenty of I've done this before, and I sure as hell know I can do it again.  I'm going to practice what I preach and get on with it. 

I'm doing it for all the right reasons too, I already love myself, approve of my appearance, so I'm doing this for my health and yes so I can fit a bit better into my jeans, instead of buying more.  My waistline needs me :)

I'm hoping as you're reading this, you're with me, you're up for the #WWS7Sept challenge, let's do this, let's make those scales work overtime as the clock up our weight losses, let's not waste the summer, instead of eating our way through it, let's enjoy it and #makesummermemories because there really is more to life than overeating!  I'm not ready to start thinking about Christmas yet, I've got a good month of Summer left followed by hopefully an Indian Summer or a mild autumn, but I am confident I'm going to end this year lighter than I started it - are you BeYOUtiful?

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