Monday 3 August 2015

Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP! BOOM! Let's do this!

Monday, 03 August 2015
One of the most important keys to weight loss success is having the discipline to do what you know you need to do, even when you don't feel like doing it!

#WWS7Sept! BOOM, on it ain't I, doing it like they do when they're on it like a car bonnet, planning, tracking, having my five portions of fruit & veg a day, eating a balanced healthy diet.  Can you tell I've lost weight, can ya, can ya!

Right I'm calmed down now, I haven't at all but I'll get a grip long enough to write my blog.  I'm so chuffed, I've felt rotten since last Wednesday night, really had a good dose of something nasty, every fibre of my body has been hurting, do you ever get that where the base of your skull hurts and it's feel like electric shocks.  Oh yeah I've been a little bit poorly, I've got it on the run now though, just got a cough and the after effects of a nasty chest.  BUT! Despite all that I've stayed on track, I haven't used it as an excuse to delay my weight loss success for another week, I haven't used the "cake & chips can cure" excuse, I haven't drunk loads of alcohol to drown my sorrows, nope I've thought about it and realised I want to lose weight. 

It's odd isn't it when things just slot into place, I truly believe the universe helps me out when I need it and last week it sent me clarity in the form of a dietician who I had dinner with, we weren't really there to talk 'health' we were there for a natter and a catch up but bearing in mind our jobs, it was inevitable we'd get onto the subject of diets.  Then on Wednesday my clerk Julie had a 'word' with me, she didn't say anything others haven't said to me over the last year and even that I've said to myself, I just think I was ready to hear it because I went and got me a weigh card and weighed myself and gave it to her for safe keeping so she could remind me I was in it to lose some weight.

So yeah, I'm on course for my Silver 7 by September, because since last Monday I've lost 4lb, I'm thrilled, last time I saw those numbers was at the beginning of May,  but don't be too impressed with me though as I've been here already this year, I've got another 3lb to lose before I'm at my lightest of the year.  It actually now feels possible, all year I've felt like it was a battle, but now I feel like I can actually get back to my ultimate goal.  I'll start with my silver 7 though, one goal at a time, 7lb for September, then another goal by Christmas would be awesome!

Love starting Monday off on a positive, I know quite a few of my members have done the same, I keep in touch with them via facebook and messages and I have to say I'm impressed with their control this weekend.

If you've not been on the Weight Loss Wagon then feel free to climb aboard today, there's plenty of room and everyone is welcome.

Someone said in my meeting on Saturday, "Misery loves company", she was actually trying to say that when you're struggling, it can help to know that there is someone else out there struggling too, not just so you can wallow and carry on struggling but so you can support each other to come out the other side.  I can honestly tell you I have struggled for well over a year to even care about losing weight let alone to actually follow the plan and stick to my ProPoints but I didn't stop trying and please if you're struggling don't stop trying, it'll click and this sunshine can only help to lift our spirits even higher.

Here's to a wickedly wonderful week starting with a magic Monday, you up for that BeYOUtiful.  And remember wherever you are, however you feel, take care of you, focus on the healthy and happy because you truly are worth the effort - YOU MATTER!

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