Wednesday 15 April 2015

#WWFakeaway, why the devil not!

15th April 2015
You will never be able to escape from your heart, So it is better to listen to what it has to say. Paul Coelho
Well I must have slept real heavy because I didn't even know what day it was when I woke up, had to lie there and think about it for a bit, I did know it was a work day because the clock had the alarm turned on ready to go off at 5.  Anyway in case you don't know either, it's Wednesday!

Yeah my brain hasn't really woke up yet, I'm trying to think what I can talk about, sat here drinking my pint of lemon infused water, got to say I'm really enjoying that, really cut back on my cups of tea, maximum two a day now, I used to have that in the first hour I was awake!

Yesterday I went to fill up with petrol and had to change my mind and drive away because my central locking on my cars broke and I hadn't realised that included the petrol lock!  I wasn't about to start fighting with it on the forecourt so I drove off instead.  I've managed to get in it and have booked my car in for Friday to be looked at, it can have its service and MOT at the same time, that's this month's wages spent! 

In my meetings this week we're talking Takeaways and Fakeaways, and I'm asking members to post their photos of their fakeaways on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #WWFakeaway and tag me too, I love to see what you're all up to, you can add me on facebook as a friend too, that way you can see all the things my mom gets up too!

So what's my favourite fakeaway, mmm, I do like a chow mein, or a donor kebab but I think for quickness and ease it has to be egg fried rice, just love it, a microwave packet of rice with some veg, maybe a bit of met and an egg or two thrown in at the end, simple and delicious. 

If you want a recipe, here you go, the sesame oil makes it taste extra yummy!

Chicken egg fried rice, serves 2, 12pp each
120g brown rice (12pp)
100 g cooked & diced chicken breasts (3pp)
60g frozen peas & carrots, (1pp)
½ small white onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 eggs (4pp)
1tablespoon sesame oil (4pp)
1tablespoon soy sauce


Cook rice according to packet instructions.
Heat sesame oil in a large frying pan and add onion, garlic, peas, and carrots and fry until the veggies are tender.

Crack eggs into pan and scramble, mixing throughout vegetables.

Add rice, chicken, and soy sauce to frying pan, mix well and serve

Chinese and Indian did seem to be the favourite takeaways in the meeting last night, if you fancy buying a ready made version, here's a previous blog with a few from Aldi  However if you want to takeaway just be realistic, here are a couple of Chinese takeaway blogs to have a look at;

ooo I've just found the blog from when I did my Indian cookery day and here you will find all the recipes I think most of that booklet is Filling & Healthy too.

I've just realised I just need to look back through my old stuff, no need to try and recreate the wheel, when what I've always done at Weight Watchers works!

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