Thursday 16 April 2015

Needing some bubbles in my life & not the kind you think!

16th April 2015
There is no angry way to say bubbles!

Oh it's morning again, that night went quickly!  Let's hope I'm in a better mood today, yesterday in-between meetings I was a proper grumpy bum, no obvious reason, I just was.  I saw this quote earlier; "Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them" Eckhart Tolle, that was me yesterday, I knew I was a bit moody, because I have this knack of realising what's going on, sort of becoming the observer, accepting the mood, acknowledging the thoughts and emotions for what they are, but not letting them control me, and then letting them pass through and be on their way.  If I start to get too grumpy, too angry etc, I give myself a wobble and remind myself I'm taking myself and the situation much too seriously and I need to get a grip, even the worst day only has 24 hours in it.

I find it fascinating how I can go from perfectly happy to grumpy in minutes for no obvious reason whatsoever and that you can't just cheer up.  The brain / emotions all of it are amazing things.  I'm okay again now, the mood passed by the time I'd set up ready for my meeting last night to be honest, but on the afternoon, ooo I wasn't impressed when a pile of boxes in my alley fell on me, so much so it took 4 Weight Watcher bars to get over it, that's 8pp I'll never get back!  Those peanut butter bars are tasty though, the mint ones were okay - I had two of each!

My meals were good though, crumpets with an egg for 7pp brekkie, for our 10pp lunch we had salmon and rice with large mushrooms cooked in the oven with a spread of red pepper and goats' cheese tapenade (from Sainsbury's 2pp for 100g jar), then for tea I had a 8pp ready meal, butternut squash risotto.

I've got another 2 ready meals in the fridge for today and tomorrow, they've really helped this week, not having to cook when I get in, nor think about what to eat!  I'm fancying pizza though after all the takeaway/fakeaway talk this week, and I think I'm opting to make my own, I've just found the recipe and photo from before and I remember it was huge and we shared it;

Yeast free pizza 
28pp for a base the size of a tray!

• 275g self raising flour (24pp)
• 1 tablespoons cooking oil (4pp)
• 300ml water
• pinch salt

1. Preheat the oven to 200 oC.
2. Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix into a dough.
3. Knead for about 2 mins until a nice firm consistency.
4. Add a little water or flour if needed.
5. Split the dough into two.
6. Lightly flour the pizza tray.
7. Using a rolling pin roll, out the dough on the tray.
8. Use your fingers to get it to the shape you want.
9. Bake on a baking tray for approx 10-15mins or until the base is light brown and almost cooked through.
10. You can either cool and freeze the bases or use straight away: cover with Passata or tomato puree, your favourite veggie toppings (I used courgette, mushrooms, pepper, spinach, tomatoes) plus cheese (50g - 6pp) and return to the oven for 10 minutes. You can even freeze with
the toppings on and defrost the morning you are going to eat them. Or store in the fridge for 24 hours.

Now that one was 34pp which may seem a lot but shared, it's not so bad, I'm going to roll it even thinner when I make it again.   I was trying to find the blog I did with supermarket pizzas, but I can't and I need to get ready for work! 

Which is exactly what I'm off to do now, have a great day BeYOUtiful, remember and remind yourself often, you have moods, you are not your moods, they pass through you, they're not constant.  It's a bit like fat, I have fat, I'm not fat!  I'm Beverley, and what I truly am, changes daily, ask my bestie she'll tell you, she never knows what's coming next!  Happy Days :) xx

And I've just decided I need some of these in my life, so if anyone coming to my meeting this morning is nipping in a shop that sells bubbles, I need some in my life please ;)

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