Monday 27 April 2015

Oops, drawing the line....

27th April 2015
Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.

Well I won't have lost today, it's looking like possible chance of a gain, that's what happens when you get away with eating cake, then you stop tracking because......  Oh who am I kidding, I don't need to list the reasons aka excuses, I'm in a good place and I know I'm not going to be upset when I get to my meeting.  Having said that I'm also ready to stop messing about and get back on track.   No better day than a Monday for drawing a line, turning over a new leaf, wiping the slate clean, take your pick, I'm going to get me a notepad, actually just picked one up from the chaos that is my desk, that'll do, it's pocket sized and has been used as a journal before, I started it last March by the date on the first page!

I started the "Happy Owl" thing for a reason, and working on my website this weekend has really reminded me of them, the obvious is the introduction on the site (the rest is being done, it'll be ready soon which says; 

So what is an Happy Owl, I am for starters, I'm a Happy Over Weight Lady (works for Lads too!), that doesn't mean I don't take care of myself or want to look and feel my best, it means that I refuse to beat myself up because I enjoy good food and wine, and find it difficult to indulge in those things and maintain what the official BMI chart tells me is an healthy weight. According to the official BMI chart, for my height I'm overweight!

This website will hopefully make you realise you can love yourself and be happy too - whatever you weigh. It could also help you with your weight, whether that be to lose some or appreciate what you've got already!

Losing weight is easier if you love and support yourself! 

Choose to be healthy and happy whatever your size.

I first wrote that a good few years ago, but it still holds true, after spending the majority of my life trying to be something I find almost impossible to maintain, I realised it wasn't even making me happy when I did get there, it didn't change how my life was, or how I felt about myself or others, it just made me constantly self conscious and worried about everything I ate.  I even tried the quick fixes, the pills, the potions, I never quite resorted to any lotions but....

So as I'm sat here this morning, ready to take a gain, I'm smiling because I know myself, I know at my core I'm a healthy person, who leads an almost balanced life, it just sometimes tips towards overindulgence!   It's all good, I smile more than I scowl, I can stand in the mirror and love the reflection, and my life is full of incredible likeminded people all sharing a purpose or and I have the best, craziest mother in the land!  My bestie is awesome too, how blessed am I.

Now talking of besties, we're off out for lunch today, I'm thinking steak, mmm just fancy steak and a jacket potato - not because it's free on Filling & Healthy, not because I can ProPoint it, but because that's what I fancy and that's why Weight Watchers works, it makes you realise you can eat the food you enjoy and still lose weight, it's all about a bit of portion control, a touch of realism, an understanding that there isn't a quick fix and enjoying the journey no matter what!

So here's to a great week, realising that those BLT's (bites, licks and treats) I talked about in my meeting last week did become my downfall this week, blooming M&Ms, bits of cheese, yep, I'll blame them for sure! 

Here's to a great start to what looks like a bright week, you in BeYOUtiful.

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