Sunday 26 April 2015

Looking forward to my Me Day!

26th April 2015
I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.  Mother Teresa

Half three in the morning and wide awake, very glad I had an early night because my brain is full and ready to get a lot done today, I'm blaming a lovely young lady named Jade who spent the afternoon at my house yesterday taking "websites" and other such stuff.  I've now got loads of ideas buzzing around my head and want to spend some time on them, can't beat spending time with someone who gets your brain working and reminds you of some of the things that make your heart sing, I'll definitely be sorting through my books and hard drive today, getting stuff together.
But first to blog, then do a little paperwork, I've got to start by telling you about my delicious tea which was delivered like a 'takeaway' last night but was really a 'fakeaway', chicken and spinach curry, I'll be getting the recipe off her for sure, it was delicious, she even bought me Weight Watcher wraps and told me to pop them in a frying pan till they when a bit brown, a bit like a chapati, was lush.  Reminded me of a recipe another member Rosemarie cooked me, although they weren't anything alike, it was the fact that both had been perfectly flavoured and probably even more delicious because I hadn't cooked them, someone had made them with love, that's always the secret ingredient. is Rosemarie's chicken recipe and I'll share Sue's curry recipe as soon as she sends it to me!
Oh I almost forgot, I made a delicious omelette too, had that late afternoon for lunch after we'd finished on the computers, I put eggs, sliced up tinned potatoes, peas, peppers and a bit of cheese as that was all I had to hand, mom and I shared it and it was delicious. 

634lb lost on my scales this week, how fantastic is that, so many awards given out, Julie got her 75lb weight loss certificate yesterday also.  I've enjoyed this week's meeting about all those B.L.Ts we eat, the bites, licks and tastes that never quite make it onto our tracker, I've been very aware this week of how much I do it! 

My brains already elsewhere, buzzing with ideas, way too many tabs open in there for sure, so I'm going to go and get on with my day, get the paperwork done out of the way then a real day of pure geeky indulgence, can't wait :) If the sun shines, I may make it into the garden, but I won't hold my breath on that happening! 

Whatever you're up too, make it BeYOUtiful. x

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