Tuesday 3 February 2015

One step at a time all the way to 50k!

3rd February 2015
Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures.  Vincent Van Gogh

I ended up spending almost 9 hours in front of the computer yesterday which makes it difficult to get steps on your fitbit!  So at lunchtime I made myself go for a walk, not a fan of winter but I really want a weight loss next week, I knew I needed a screen break and I know I've been getting unfit with not moving at all!  I was pleased to end my day on 8,526 steps a huge improvement on previous Mondays, I'm happy with that, especially as it earned me 3 activity ProPoints!   I've decided my goal is to increase my weekly steps each week this month, I'm not going to be overambitious and strive for loads more because the truth is I am really busy with work, I'll be happy as long as it's more.  If I can hit 50,000 steps I'll be thrilled. 

Week 1 = 38,955 steps
Week 2 = 39,941 steps
Week 3 = 44,981 steps
Week 4 = 45,854 steps

The thing for me is not to compare myself to those on my fitbit friends list that are at the top of the league table, if I look at those it might make me feel like I'm not achieving enough, when the truth is as long as I'm improving that's good.  The top 3 on my fitbit friends are doing between 114,405 and 157,995!   I don't actually know the top 2, I'm sure number one is a border collie and number 2 a greyhound!  However number 3 is Beth, she's one of my members and in my opinion, she needs to SIT DOWN ;).  Having said that, it's obviously working for her because together with the plan she's achieved her goal and is looking fabulous don't you agree, 
I managed to stick to Filling & Healthy yesterday, planned my day on the morning and tracked it on my app, used some of my weeklies to enjoy what was left in the bottle of wine I'd opened at the weekend and now I plan to not drink till Saturday, working on a Saturday has the benefit of stopping me wanting to drink on the Friday!  Another bonus to doing that meeting I think.  I'm not really a lover of squash and fizzy pop but I do like my Becks Blue and I can have 2 bottles for 1pp and feel like I'm still having something to drink, to me it tastes as good as lager without the alcohol.

I've got my oats soaking in Almond milk in the fridge, that'll be my breakfast with a banana in it I think, and I'll have an apple, I'm eating an apple a day because they're apparently good for the digestion system, thankfully my stomach does seem to be back to normal.  I'm also drinking an Actimel drink each morning and was pleased to find out they're on the F&H list according to my app!    I've also got some crumpets that are use by past their best so I'm going to toast them for my lunch, they'll be fine with some beans and egg on I'm sure.  I had hard boiled egg whites with lighter than light mayo yesterday on my thins, mmm I really enjoyed that and I didn't miss the yellow of the egg at all, Alfie loved it!  Egg whites are much lower in ProPoints that the yolk too, so worth knowing.

I asked on my Facebook page yesterday for 'Success Selfies' and already I've received loads which I'll be sharing via my page this week https://www.facebook.com/WWBev If you have one or if you'd like to take one, please send them to me either via Facebook or direct bev_ww@yahoo.co.uk, let's share your success with the world.  I've been blown away by some of the photos I've seen already, you can send before photos too if you like.  It could be you off on a night out, with your 5%/10% or your card showing your silver sevens, get creative why not!

Anyway I need to get ready for work, I'm only doing a cooking demo this week whilst talking activity - mmm seemed like a good idea at the time!

Have a great day BeYOUtiful.

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